About Vice

vice is an air traffic control simulator, focused on TRACON. It presents a STARS-like interface, but with simulated traffic and other controllers. It also supports multiple users, where each person controls a different position at a facility.

vice supports departure and arrival control scenarios in numerous TRACONs and ATCT/TRACONs, currently: A80, A90, AAC, ABE, AGS, ASE, AUS, AVL, BHM, BIL, BOI, BNA, BUF, C90, CHS, CID, CLE, CLT, COS, CPR, D01, D10, D21, DAB, F11, GSO, GSP, I90, IND, JAX, L30, M98, MIA, MKE, N90, NCT, OKC, P50, P80, PCT, PHL, PIT, RDU, R90, S46, S56, SAV, SCT, SDF, TPA, and Y90. New scenarios are regularly added. Adding scenarios at additional airports is a matter of writing JSON configuration files that describe them; see below for documentation about how scenarios are defined.

There is a discord server for vice: the Vice ATC Simulator server, for general discussion, bug reports and feature requests, and for discussing facility engineering.

There is a short video overview that gives a tour of vice. (Note: this video was recorded with an older version of vice, so some details are different in the latest version.)

Getting Started

The radar client interface that vice provides is based on STARS. For familiarity to VATSIM controllers, vice generally follows the keyboard command scheme implemented in CRC's STARS implementation; see the discussion of vice's STARS emulation below for more information.

The first time you launch vice, a window is shown for configuring the simulation. (After the first time, the window can be brought up by clicking the "replay" button in the menubar: .) A number of scenarios are available, some departure-only and some including both departures and arrivals. Here is an example:

configuration dialog box

After selecting an ARTCC, the available TRACONs and ATCT/TRACONs in that ARTCC are shown. Selecting one of those gives a number of scenarios to choose from. Here the ZNY ARTCC has been selected and then the PHL ATCT/TRACON. After choosing a scenario and clicking the "Next" button, a window with further settings is shown:

configuration rates dialog box

In the second configuration window, you can set the airport departure rate (ADR) for all of the airports that may have departures in the scenario as well as the airport arrival rate (AAR) for all of the arrival airports. (The PHL scenario only includes the Philadelphia Airport, though many other scenarios include multiple airports.) Both of these rates are specified in terms of aircraft per hour, so an ADR of 30 corresponds to one aircraft departing every two minutes (on average). If you'd like an arrival-only scenario, for example, just set all of the departure rates to zero.

For arrivals, the "Go around probability" slider allows setting the probability that each arrival goes around. You may also select "Include random arrival pushes", which will periodically bump up the rate of arrivals to increase the challenge of vectoring aircraft. "Push frequency" sets how often arrival pushes happen and "Length of push" sets how long they last before traffic returns to regular levels.

After you have configured the simulation, click "Ok" and you will have a STARS scope and flight strip window to work with. Use the usual STARS commands as appropriate (to initiate track, accept handoffs, handoff to other controllers, etc.), and the additional ATC commands below to issue control commands to aircraft.

After the simulation starts, you may click on the button in the menubar to show a window with information about the scenario, including the active controllers, the departures, arrivals, approaches and overflight routes, and airspace awareness rules. For this PHL scenario, four arrivals, two approaches, and three departures are active. Other scenarios may be more complex.

approach list

The approach codes—here, "27R" and "35"— are used in vice's aircraft control commands like "expect approach" and "cleared approach".

To adjust the amount of space used for flight strips, right click the line separating the flight strips from the radar window and drag left or right with your mouse. You can also remove flight strips entirely by opening the settings window, in the menubar, and disabling "Show flight strips" under the "Flight strips" header.

A number of buttons are available in the menu bar at the top of the window:

  • / : pause or resume the simulation.
  • : opens the window to select a new scenario and set its parameters.
  • : open a window that allows changing various settings. The most useful one is the simulation rate: you can speed up time during slow times or to increase the challenge.
  • : show the window that lists the currently active departures, arrivals, and approaches.
  • : opens a window that shows a summary of vice's ATC commands and frequently-used STARS commands.
  • : open a window with controls for launching aircraft, either automatically or manually.
  • : open this webpage to review vice's documentation.
  • : display information about the version of vice you have installed.
  • : join the vice Discord.
  • : Toggle full-screen mode.

When you exit vice, it remembers everything going on—all of the aircraft in flight, the instructions they have been given, etc. The next time you launch vice, it loads all of that back in and you can continue where you left off. If you'd like to start something new, just click and configure a new simulation.

When vice is paused, you can hover the mouse above a radar track to see information about the instructions the aircraft has been given so far—for example, altitude and speed assignments, whether it has been sent direct to a fix, the approach it has been assigned, etc. An example is shown below. This information is especially useful when resuming a vice session after you have been away from it for a while.

If you are signed in to Discord, vice can automatically update your activity status there with information about your current vice session (the number of arrivals and departures, the position you're controlling, etc.) When you first launch vice you are given the option to disable this feature if you would like. The settings window, available by clicking in the menubar, can also be used to enable or disable this feature.

Drawing Routes

vice can draw the active departures, approaches, and arrivals for the current simulation. This can be helpful when studying those for an airport, since they are drawn directly on the radar scope with annotations that give the fixes, any altitude or speed restrictions, and procedure turns.

To toggle whether a route is drawn on the scope, click the checkbox on the left next to it in the information window that is shown at the start or after clicking on the button in the menubar. For example, here is how the HVN RNAV Runway 2 approach is rendered:

manual aircraft launch window

We can see the procedure turn at PEPER and that it is both the IAF and the IF; altitude restrictions at both SALLT and PEPER, that SALLT is the FAF, and that arrivals from KEYED will not fly the procedure turn.

Launching Aircraft

When a new simulation starts, vice automatically launches new departures and arrivals based on the departure and arrival rates set in the "New Simulation" window. During a simulation, clicking on the departing plane icon in the menubar opens a window that allows more control over aircraft launches and also for issuing releases for airports where "hold for release" is in effect.

The rates for automatic launches can be adjusted in this window. Alternatively, aircraft can be launched manually. If manual launches are selected, the window shows all of the available departure runways and exits as well as all of the arrivals, as shown below. Clicking the aircraft icon for a departure or arrival causes the aircraft shown to be launched. If you'd like a different aircraft for the next launch (for example, to have a heavy aircraft), click the redo icon until you're happy with the selection. The window also shows the elapsed time since the launch of each type as well as how many miles in trail (MIT) there would be if the next aircraft was launched. To delete all of the aircraft from the simulation and restart, click the trash icon: .

Multiple Controllers

With vice you can also have multiple controllers working aircraft together. Select "Create multi-controller" in the "New Simulation" window and you can select an ARTCC, ATCT/TRACON, and scenario in the same way that you do with a single controller. For multi-controller scenarios, there are some additional settings, shown beneath the list of scenarios:

create multi-controller window

Each multi-controller simulation has a name associated with it; vice chooses a random one by default (above, it's "choice-length"). You're welcome to choose a different name if you prefer. These names can be used so that you can tell other people which simulation to choose in order to join you. You may also enable "Require password" and enter a password for the simulation so that only people you allow can join it.

Selecting "Join multi-controller" shows a list of the simulations that are currently available, including how many controllers are signed into each one. Note that the simulation names are shown in the first column. After selecting one, you can choose one of the available control positions and join. vice also allows you to join a simulation as an observer, in which case you have no control capabilities.

create multi-controller window

ATC Commands

A variety of instructions can be issued to aircraft by an aircraft controller. To issue an instruction, first press the [TAB] key. This will place the STARS radar into "target generation" mode and the characters "TG" will appear above the text input area (which is by default on the left side of the STARS window, towards the top.

The commands below can then be entered to issue control commands to aircraft. As you enter commands, they will be shown in the STARS input area. You can correct errors with the backspace key or press the [ESCAPE] key to exit target generation mode.

To indicate which aircraft should be given a command, you can either enter a command and click on an aircraft's radar track in the STARS window or you can enter the aircraft's callsign followed by a space before the command, and then press the "enter" key. You can also give just the callsign suffix, if that is enough to unambiguously identify a single aircraft. The callsign of the last aircraft you issued to a command to is shown after "TG" when target generation mode is activated. If you'd like to give another instruction to that aircraft, you can skip entering its callsign. Entering another aircraft's callsign causes the command to be issued to that aircraft instead.

After you issue a command, the virtual pilot's readback is shown in the readback window below the STARS window. After receiving an instruction, the aircraft will start following that instruction, to the best of its abilities. Unlike VATSIM, the pilots will always do exactly what you tell them to.

If you'd like to issue multiple commands to an aircraft at once, enter the commands one after another with a space between them. To open a window that shows the available ATC commands when using vice, click the button in the top menubar.

Command Function Example
Hheading Directs the aircraft to fly the specified heading. It will turn in whichever direction gets it to that heading most quickly. If no heading is given, the aircraft is instructed to fly present heading. H050, H
Lheading Directs the aircraft to turn left to the specified heading. L130
Rheading Directs the aircraft to turn right to the specified heading. R210
TdegreesL Directs the aircraft to turn the specified number of degrees to the left. T10L
TdegreesR Directs the aircraft to turn the specified number of degrees to the right. T20R
Dfix Directs the aircraft to proceed direct to the given fix. (The specified fix must be in the aircraft's flight plan, including on the approach assigned to it.) DWAVEY
Dfix/Hheading Directs the aircraft to depart the specified fix at the given heading. (The specified fix must be in the aircraft's flight plan.) DLENDY/H180

Directs the aircraft to cross the specified fix at the given altitude and speed. Either one or both of A and S may be specified.

Altitudes may be given as single altitudes (corresponding to "at"), an altitude and a plus sign ("at or above"), an altitude and a minus sign ("at or below"), or a range of altitudes separated by a minus sign ("between").

Calt Directs the aircraft to climb to the specified altitude, which is given in hundreds of feet. If the aircraft is changing speed, both the speed change and climb are simultaneous. C170
TCalt Directs the aircraft to climb to the specified altitude, given in hundreds of feet, after it finishes speeding up or slowing down to meet a controller-specified speed. TC170
Dalt Directs the aircraft to descend to the specified altitude, given in hundreds of feet. D20
TDalt Directs the aircraft to descend to the specified altitude, given in hundreds of feet, after it finishes speeding up or slowing down to meet a controller-specified speed. TD20
ED Directs the aircraft to expedite the descent to its assigned altitude. ED
EC Directs the aircraft to expedite the climb to its assigned altitude. EC
Sknots Gives the aircraft a speed restriction. If the restriction is given after an aircraft is cleared for an approach, the speed restriction is in effect until 5 mile final. If no speed is given, then the aircraft is instructed "cancel speed restrictions". Speed changes happen at the same time as any required altitude change. S210, S
TSknots Gives the aircraft a speed restriction to be applied after the aircraft climbs or descends to the most recent controller-specified altitude. As with S, speed restrictions are canceled at 5 mile final. TS210
SMIN Directs the aircraft to maintain its slowest practical speed. SMIN
SMAX Directs the aircraft to maintain its maximum forward speed. SMAX
SS Directs the aircraft to say its indicated airspeed. SS
SH Directs the aircraft to say its current heading. SH
SA Directs the aircraft to say its current altitude. SA
SQcode Instructs the aircraft to squawk the given beacon code. SQ1200
SQS Directs the aircraft to squawk "standby" mode. SQS
SQA Directs the aircraft to squawk "altitude" mode. SQA
SQON Directs the aircraft to turn on their transponder and squawk mode-A. SQON
Eapproach Tells the aircraft to expect the specified approach. This command must be used before an aircraft is cleared for an approach and it also adds the approach fixes to the end of the aircraft's route. EI2L
Capproach Clears the aircraft for the specified approach. The aircraft must have been told to expect the approach before it is cleared for it. CI2L
Afix/Capproach Clears the aircraft for the specified approach when it passes the given fix. AROSLY/CI2L
CAC Cancels approach clearance for an aircraft. CAC
CSIapproach Clears the aircraft "straight in" for the specified approach. (This command is only useful for approaches that include procedure turns.) The aircraft must have been told to expect the approach before it is cleared for it. CSII6
I Directs the aircraft to intercept the localizer (at which point it will follow the localizer's lateral path but not descend until it is cleared for the approach.) I
CVS Directs a departure to "climb via the SID". CVS
DVS Directs an arrival to "descend via the STAR". DVS
TO Directs an arrival to contact the tower. TO
ID Instructs the aircraft to "ident". ID
X Deletes the specified aircraft from the simulation. This command is useful when one starts going down the tubes. X
P Toggles Pause/Unpause P


Installing vice is straightforward, at least on Windows and Macs; on Linux, you need to do a little more work.


To install vice on Windows, download and launch the installer below. After installation, vice will be available in the Windows Start menu and a shortcut will be added to your desktop.

Your browser may warn about the installer being from an unknown publisher and when you run the installer, Windows will put up a window informing you that it has protected your PC and prevented the installer from running. Click "More Info" and then "Run anyway" to proceed with installation.

Download Vice v0.11.9 for Windows


On a Mac, download the zip file below; it contains a universal binary that runs on both Intel and Apple CPUs. Note that MacOS Big Sur or a more recent version of OSX is required. After opening the zip file, drag Vice.app to your Applications folder to install it.

Download Vice v0.11.9 for Mac


On Linux systems, it is necessary to install vice from source. See the directions on building vice on Linux in the source code distribution for details.

Reporting Bugs

If you encounter bugs in vice, apologies! It would be of great help if you would send in a report if vice crashes or if you see mistakes in how it simulates aircraft or the STARS interface.

The best way to report bugs is via the "bugs" channel on the vice discord. Alternatively, if you have a github account, you can file bugs directly in vice's issue tracker.

Release History

0.11.9 (22 March 2025)

  • New scenarios: SCT Del Rey, ABQ (Ketan K), ISP (Thomas Halpin).
  • Scenario updates: BOS, F11 (radarcontacto), SCTLA, DelRey, SNA, ONT, SAN, BUR, SBA, NCT (Ketan K), SCT, A80, F11, C90 (Jud Lopez), D01 (Andrew S, Jud Lopez), P80 (Ethan Malimon), JFK, ABE, PHL (Matt Pharr), EWR (aq86), D10 (anguse).
  • Vice now supports random VFR distractor aircraft (only added to some scenarios so far).
  • Improved realism of hold for release aircraft spawning.
  • Fixed bugs with intercepting the final approach course for some (unusual) approaches.
  • Fixed some bugs where reserved beacon codes would be issued automatically.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent departures from climbing to obey upcoming altitude restrictions.
  • Added "dark mode" for flight strips.
  • Added commands for "squawk standby": SQS, "squawk on": SQON, and "squawk altitude": SQON.
  • STARS:
    • Reworked TGT GEN for entering aircraft commands: [Tab] can now be used to enable it.
    • Added commands to enter pilot-reported altitude for altitude that aren't squawking altitude.
    • Added commands to specify beacon code banks.
    • Added support for Mode C intruders, including suppression and the system list.
    • Multiple improvements to the specifics of handling unassociated tracks (now that VFR gives us many more of them).
    • Reworked how DCB submenus are drawn to be more realistic.
  • Facility engineering:
    • Added "custom_spcs" in "stars_config" to allow specifying facility-specific special purpose codes that aircraft can have assigned to them. There is also now "display_custom_spcs" under the "pdb" adaptation in "stars_config" to determine whether such SPCs are shown in partial datablocks.
    • Added "beacon_code_blocks" to "controller_configs" to allow specifying per-controller default monitored beacon code blocks.
    • STARS now has a .VFR command to toggle whether the VFR airports are shown on the scope and a new .DRAWROUTE command for drawing complex routes.
    • For "atpa_volumes", an optional string "id" may be given for the name of the volume in the STARS SSA INTRAIL list item.
    • Added "departure_runways_as_one" to airport definitions to allow treating groups of runways as a single unit for departure sequencing purposes.
    • Added commands to set and clear scratchpads at fixes in routes (for virtual controllers).
    • An error is issued if "scope_char" is set for a controller but it specifies the value that vice would have chosen automatically.

0.11.8 (19 February 2025)

  • New scenario: SBA (Ketan K).
  • Scenario updates: SAN, BUR, NCT, L30 (Ketan K), EWR, JFK (Mike LeGall), JAX (Jud Lopez), D01, GJT, ASE, COS (Andrew S), MDT (Allison L), BOS (radarcontacto).
  • Aircraft can now intercept the approach for non-ILS approaches.
  • Multiple fixes to the server that should reduce memory use and make the server more robust.
  • There's now a few minutes delay before takeoff for released "hold for release" aircraft.
  • Aircraft will now intercept an approach if they are direct to a fix on it.
  • Fixed bug where overflights would be climbed to their cruising altitude.
  • Aircraft wait 5-10 seconds before changing their beacon codes when a new one is assigned.
  • Fixed bug where departures would climb prematurely.
  • Aircraft that are too high when they cross the threshold go missed.
  • Fix bug with delayed descents when aircraft are cleared for the approach after being told to intercept.
  • UI: rework table layouts for departure/arrival rates to be more compact.
  • An audio alert can now be optionally played when aircraft check in or transmit radio messages.
  • Props now lose a bit of speed in climbs.
  • A notification sound can now be played when aircraft transmit on the radio or first call in.
  • STARS:
    • Multiple bug fixes to how point outs are shown
    • Flash "DB" in data blocks for duplicate beacon codes.
    • Fixed bug where altimeter would not be shown for airports in "altimeters" under some circumstances.
    • Controllers can now take control of point outs via [HND OFF][SLEW]
    • Point outs can now be recalled by slewing the target.
    • Fix WX blocks to be 0.5nm wide.
  • Facility engineering:
    • All approaches must have a fix denoted as the FAF via /faf.
    • "VOR" and "Localizer" may now be given for the "type" of approaches.
    • /hoID may be given after a fix in a route to cause the aircraft to be handed off to the given controller id at that fix. (Mostly useful for aircraft controlled by virtual controllers.)

0.11.7 (31 January 2025)

  • New scenarios: MDT (Allison L), PVD (radarcontacto).
  • Scenario updates: DCA (radarcontacto), SCT (Aiden), JFK airspace (Mike LeGall), Y90 (Merry), L30, NCT, P80, SCT, SDF (Ketan K).
  • Airspace boundaries are now displayed using the scenario information window (displayed by clicking in the menubar.)
  • Improve fetching of airport weather (Makoto Sakaguchi.)
  • Fixed a bug that was causing vice to crash when loading saved sims.
  • Fixed a bug where "expedite" would be refused incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug where departures would climb beyond upcoming altitude constraints in SIDs.
  • Fixed a bug where aircraft would incorrectly descend along an approach they weren't yet cleared for.
  • Fixed multiple bugs with the launch control window.
  • Removed text input from the messages pane: it's back to just printing radio calls and messages.
  • Updated handoffs so that there is a delay of 5-10 seconds before aircraft call in after the track is accepted. Note that you can't give control instructions to an aircraft until they call in and are on your frequency.
  • STARS:
    • Continue to display the id for external facility handoffs in datablocks for a few seconds.
    • Improved the accuracy of the mapping of precipitation to WX levels.
    • Allow selecting "," as an alternative to ";" for TGT GEN.
    • Departures are now auto-tracked by default.
    • Improve representation of SPCs (Makoto Sakaguchi.)
    • Improve handling of altimeters in SSA list: don't draw more than 6, allow developer to specify the ones to draw via "altimeters" in "stars_config" if there are more than 6.
    • When a partial callsign is given to specify an aircraft to be given an instruction, it must be a unique suffix of an aircraft callsign; we no longer accept a prefix or the middle part of a callsign.
    • OJTI mode now available where an instructor can issue aircraft control commands (Michael Trokel).
  • Facility engineering:
    • New adaptations under "stars_config": "handoff_acceptance_flash_duration" gives the number of seconds datablocks flash after an accepted handoff, "handoff_sector_display_duration" gives the number of seconds the external sector id is displayed after a handoff, and "display_handoff_facility_only" inhibits the display of external facility sector ids in datablocks.
    • Airspace is now specified per-controller rather than being classified as departure/approach airspace.
    • In controller specifications, "full_name" is now "radio_name" to better reflect its use.
    • "/clearapp" can be added after a fix in a route to cause aircraft to be cleared for the approach at that fix. (Useful for ambient traffic under computer control.)
    • An error is now issued if more than one controller has the same sector id assigned.
    • Fix parsing of both approaches and altitude constraints in the ARINC424 data (Makoto Sakaguchi.)
    • Updated to latest AIRAC cycle.
    • Fixed a bug with Δ in scratchpad assignments in scenario definitions.
    • "tower_controller" is no longer included in approach definitions.
    • Expanded the magnetic declination database to include Japan and Puerto Rico.

0.11.6 (22 October 2024)

  • New scenario: LGA HAARP (Tyler T).
  • Scenario updates: CHS, F11 (Michael Knight), SCT, C90, MKE (Jud Lopez).
  • Updated how aircraft control instructions are entered: press ; to enable "target generation" mode in STARS, after which control commands can be entered.
  • Fixed a bug where aircraft that went around after being handed off to tower wouldn't contact tower the next time.
  • Fixed a few bugs related to the 250kts speed limit at 10,000'.
  • Added more compact "hold for release" interface for airports that don't use STARS coordination lists.
  • STARS:
    • Added OJTI mode, where an instructor can sign in and issue commands to all aircraft, regardless of which controller is responsible for them.
    • Added support for restriction areas. System restriction areas are automatically generated based on the current FAA TFRs.
    • Multiple improvements to video map handling, including supporting multiple colors and map categories. (Currently only available through dat2vice.)
    • CA and MSAW alerts are no longer generated for unassociated tracks.
  • Facility engineering:
    • It is no longer required that all runways have routes for all exits.
    • "arrival_groups" is no longer supported: arrivals must be specified using the "inbound_flows" variable.
    • "star" is now optional for arrivals; the pilot contact message has been improved for arrivals not on STARs.
    • Added an adaptation ("yellow_entries") for coordination lists that causes list entries to be yellow, not green.
    • Added an adaptation ("use_legacy_font") to "stars_config" to select the legacy STARS font. (The font used can also be selected in the "settings" window.)

0.11.5 (20 September 2024)

  • New scenario: SGF (Tyler T).
  • Scenario updates: D10 (Austin Jenkins), EWR (Mike LeGall), CID (Tyler T), D01, COS (Andrew S), AAC.
  • Massive update to the aircraft performance database (EkimWasHere).
  • The virtual local controllers now actively try to sequence departures well, including getting wake turbulence separation right.
  • Multiple improvements to the aircraft flight model, including better handling of 250kts at 10,000', more realistic climb/descent and acceleration/deceleration profiles.
  • STARS:
    • Added support for coordination lists (used for "hold for release").
    • Added support for significant points, including *F command to show bearing/distance to them.
    • Fixed a number of small errors in system lists.
    • Improved handling of preference sets: a separate one is stored for each TRACON.
  • Multiple improvements to the accuracy of flight strips.
  • Added global scale controls for departure and arrival/overflight rates.
  • Facility engineering:
    • Added "scratchpad1" adaptation to "stars_config", providing 4 preset scratchpad formats for departures.
    • In "expect_approach" in STARs, different approaches can be specified depending on the destination airport.
    • An array of altitudes may be specified for departures and overflights; one will be chosen at random for each aircraft.
    • For GA ("n" airline) aircraft, "GAsinglepiston", "GAmultipiston", and "GAturbine" fleets are now available.


vice attempts to present a reasonably accurate representation of the Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System, the radar system and scope used for TRACON control in the United States. Its primary goal is to provide the STARS functionality that is useful for regular TRACON controlling; thus, obscure features like military operations area commands are not supported. If you are familiar with the real-world STARS system, suggestions about how to improve vice's accuracy would be happily accepted! Head on over to the vice discord.

Key Concepts

Aircraft are shown on the STARS scope as radar tracks; a datablock next to them shows the aircraft's callsign and additional information about it. A leader line connects the radar track to the datablock. Here is an example:

example aircraft track

Here we see the datablock showing the aircraft's callsign, LXJ137, its altitude in hundreds of feet (040) multiplexing with its destination airport (CDW), and its groundspeed in tens of knots (28) multiplexing with its aircraft type, CL30. The "H" after groundspeed is the aircraft's consolidated wake turbulence (CWT) category—upper small. (See the section on datablocks for extensive documentation of datablocks and the information that they may show.)

The blue circle shows the aircraft's current position and the purple circles show its course over the past 25 seconds; we can see that it is flying to the Northeast. Finally, the "P" in the middle of the circle (the position symbol) indicates which controller has owner of the aircraft's track.

A single controller may own an aircraft's track and a single controller may own control of an aircraft. The same controller may own both or two different controllers may the track and control. A controller must have control of an aircraft in order to issue instructions to the pilot. See the discussion of Track Ownership below for more information about how control and track ownership are transferred between controllers.

Each controller in the terminal environment is responsible for at least one terminal control position (TCP). (A single controller may cover multiple positions when multiple positions have been consolidated.) Each TCP is identified by three characters:

  • The first character gives the facility; more or less the TRACON or ATCT/TRACON where the position is located.
  • Facilities are split into multiple areas; the second character which area the TCP is in.
  • Finally, each area is split into sectors; these are denoted by the third character.

Consider for example the N4P TCP: the N indicates the N90 (New York) TRACON; the 4 is for the fourth area (which is the Newark area) of N90; finally, the P is the Yardley sector of the Newark area.

Other controllers, both real and virtual, may be signed in when you're running a vice scenario. The list of controllers is available in the "Controllers" drop-down in the scenario information window. Among other useful information, it shows the TCP identifier associated with each controller and whether the controller is human.

Entering Commands

Some STARS commands are entirely keyboard based: you enter a command and hit the [ENTER] key to issue the command. As you type, your input will be shown in the input area, which is by default on the left side of the screen. Entering a space starts a new line. To edit your input, the backspace key can be used. Alternatively, pressing [ESCAPE] clears the input and any errors that are displayed.

Many STARS commands involve selecting an aircraft that they apply to; in STARS this is called "slewing" the aircraft. To slew an aircraft in vice, click on its radar track with the left mouse button. You will often enter a command with the keyboard and then slew an aircraft; if the documentation below, [SLEW] indicates that an aircraft should be slewed to execute the command.

Many STARS keyboard commands take additional parameters such as a number or the name of an airport. These will be shown in parenthesis with the number and type of character expected. Thus (#) indicates that a single digit should be entered, without any parenthesis. Similarly, (ABC) indicates that three letters are expected.

For commands that take runways, (RWY) will be used. Runways are specified with their number and then, if required, "L", "C", or "R" to distinguish between parallel runways. Runways numbered 9 or less should not have a leading zero. (AIRPORT) denotes an airport given to a command; airports should be specified using three letters, dropping the leading "K".

Many keyboard commands take an aircraft identifier, which will be denoted (ACID) in the following. The aircraft identifier may be given as either the aircraft's complete callsign, e.g., "UAL650", or as the aircraft's beacon code. Some commands also take a tab list identifier, which is a number from 0–99 that is associated with aircraft that are displayed in system lists like coordination lists.

It is also common for commands to take identify a controller using the controller's ID (e.g., the TCP for a terminal position). In the following documentation, (CID) indicates such a controller id. There are a number of rules that define how these are specified; they are discussed in more detail below.

The STARS keyboard has a number of custom keys that are not present on standard keyboards. In the following documentation, when one of the STARS keys in square brackets below is shown, the corresponding regular keyboard key should be entered.

STARS Regular
[MIN][End] or \
[PREF SET][Insert]
[TGT GEN][Tab]

When issuing a command leads to an error, STARS prints an abbreviated message above the input area. These are the error codes that vice currently uses:

Code Description
FORMAT Error in the format of the command; for example, specifying a non-numeric value where a number was expected.
DUP BCN Duplicate beacon code: the same squawk code has been assigned to multiple aircraft.
DUP CMD Duplicate command: a command has been entered a second time and is no longer applicable.
ILL ACID Illegal aircraft id.
ILL ATIS Illegal ATIS code.
ILL AIRPORT Illegal airport: either the airport does not exist or the command does not apply to it.
ILL CODE Illegal beacon code: an illegal squawk code was entered.
ILL FIX Illegal fix: the fix specified does not exist.
ILL FLIGHT Illegal flight: no flight plan is filed for the specified callsign.
ILL FNCT Illegal function: the command cannot be executed.
ILL LINE Illegal Tab line index entered: no aircraft is associated with that number.
ILL MAP Illegal map: an invalid map was specified to be displayed or hidden.
ILL PARAM Illegal parameter: the command specified had an invalid parameter.
ILL POS Illegal position: the control position specified is invalid or does not exist.
ILL PREFSET Illegal preference set: the preference set specified is invalid or does not exist.
ILL RPC Illegal runway pair configuration specified for CRDA.
ILL RWY Illegal runway.
ILL SCR Illegal scratchpad: the scratchpad specified for an aircraft does not meet the requirements of a valid scratchpad.
ILL SECTOR Illegal sector: the controller specified is invalid.
ILL TRK Illegal track: another controller owns the aircraft's track, so the command is disallowed.
ILL VALUE Illegal value: the value specified is illegal (e.g., an impossible altitude).
MULTIPLE FLIGHT Multiple flights apply.
NO FLIGHT No flight: there is no aircraft with the specified callsign.
RANGE LIMIT Invalid weather range specified.

Specifying Controllers

A number of STARS commands take controller IDs to specify other controllers; examples include handoffs and point outs. The following rules apply to them:

  • For pairs controllers in the same facility, the full TCP may be entered, or the facility may be omitted and only the area and sector given. Thus, for a handoff from Yardley, N4P, to LaGuardia departure, N1L, the Yardley controller could specify 1L for LaGaurdia departure.
  • If the other controller is in the same area of the same facility, then only the sector needs to be entered: for example, N4P can hand off to N4A, the Newark North arrival position, just by specifying A for the TCP.
  • For TCPs outside of the facility, the delta (∆) symbol must be specified before the TCP; in vice delta is mapped to the backtick key. The full three-letter TCP may be given, though the area and sector may be omitted if the facility only has one TCP.
  • To handoff to an enroute controller, the enroute facility identifier and sector must be provided; enroute sectors are identified by two-digit numbers. For the home ARTCC, the facility identifier is generally C, unless a neighboring ARTCC's facility identifier is "C", in which case the facility identifier for the home ARTCC changes from a "C" to the regular facility identifier. Thus, for ZNY, "N" is used rather than "C". The sector may be omitted if there is only one enroute controller signed on.
  • For handoffs, airspace awareness rules may be provided in the scenario definition; these are rules that associate specific controllers with departing aircraft based on their altitude, the fix they are flying to, and possibly their aircraft type. When such a rule applies to an aircraft, a handoff to a corresponding enroute controller can be initiated simply by entering the enroute facility identifier, without the sector. For a handoff to a controller in a neighboring facility where an airspace awareness rule applies, just ∆ and the facility id are sufficient.

The airspace awareness definitions in a scenario can be found in the scenario information window, accessed by clicking in the main menu bar.

The following STARS commands offer further control over how airspace awareness is applied:

Command Function
[HND OFF]CXE Enables airspace awareness for interfacility handoffs.
[HND OFF]CXI Disables ("inhibits") airspace awareness for interfacility handoffs.
[HND OFF]CTE Enables airspace awareness for intrafacility handoffs.
[HND OFF]CTI Disables ("inhibits") airspace awareness for intraacility handoffs.
[HND OFF]CE Enables airspace awareness for both inter- and intrafacility handoffs.
[HND OFF]CI Disables airspace awareness for both inter- and intrafacility handoffs.

Quick Reference

For basic controlling, a small number of STARS commands are used frequently. The following table lists them and gives a short description of their operation.

Command Description

Whichever of the following first applies:

[INIT CNTL](ACID)[SLEW]Initiate control of an aircraft that isn't being tracked by any controller.
(CID)[SLEW]Offers to handoff the track of the aircraft to the controller identified by (CID).
(scratchpad)[SLEW]Sets the scratchpad of the aircraft to (scratchpad).
.[SLEW]Clears the aircraft's scratchpad.
+(###)[SLEW]Sets the aircraft's assigned temporary altitude (which is shown in its datablock).


The display control bar (DCB) is a menu that is shown by default at the top of the STARS window. Many aspects of STARS's behavior can be configured using the DCB.

There are four types of buttons in the DCB:

  • Toggle buttons: these enable and disable various features. When enabled, they have a lighter color than usual and appear depressed (like the "OFF CNTR" and "WX 3", "WX 4", and "WX 5" buttons above.) Clicking them toggles whether they are enabled.
  • Menu buttons: when clicked, they replace the contents of the DCB with those for another DCB menu. For example, clicking "MAPS" from the main DCB brings up a menu for configuring which STARS video maps are displayed.
  • Spinners: these allow setting various STARS parameters using the mouse wheel. For example, clicking "RANGE" allows setting the radar's range in nautical miles. Spinners capture the mouse and don't allow the cursor to leave their button until the user either clicks the mouse or presses the [ESCAPE] key. When a spinner is active, it is also possible to enter a new value for it using the keyboard and then pressing [ENTER].
  • Disabled buttons: these are shown in dark grey and represent STARS functionality that is not currently available in vice.

DCB submenus generally have buttons that return to the main DCB menu—look for a button labeled "DONE" or "SHIFT". Alternatively, pressing the [ESCAPE] key will return to the main DCB menu.

The main DCB menu offers the following controls:

Here is the auxiliary DCB:

Many of its buttons are disabled; the enabled ones are:

Press the [DCB] key (control-F8) to toggle whether the DCB is visible.

Track Ownership

Controllers must both own an aircraft's track and have control of the aircraft in order to issue instructions to the aircraft's pilot. Managing ownership of tracks and control of an aircraft is at the core of how multiple controllers work together to control an aircraft; it is crucial that controllers hand off both the track and control of an aircraft before it enters another controller's airspace.

Untracked Aircraft

When an aircraft departs an airport, its track and control may not be owned by any controller. VFR aircraft may also enter a controller's airspace without being tracked; these are known as unassociated tracks since there is no flight plan associated with them. These aircraft have a limited datablock, which only shows the aircraft's altitude in hundreds of feet. The datablock is drawn in green indicating that the current controller does not own it, and the asterisk shown in the position symbol at the center of its track (the blue dot) also indicates that its track is unowned.

If an unassociated track's transponder is turned off, it appears with a plus sign in its position symbol and no altitude is shown; such a track is also referred to as a primary-only or primary track, since no secondary information is returned by its transponder. If its transponder is on but it is not squawking altitude, a diamond is used for its position symbol. Here are some examples.


After a controller has tracked a departure, departures will contact the controller on the radio; look for a message in the input window below the STARS scope:

A controller can initiate track of an uncontrolled aircraft track using the following commands:

Command Function
Initiates track of the the slewed track, which must have the given aircraft id. If the aircraft id does not match, the NO FLIGHT error is shown.
[INIT CNTL](ACID) Initiates track of the aircraft with given aircraft id. (Note: not a real-world STARS command).
[CTRL SHIFT][SLEW] Initiates track of the slewed aircraft.

For departures, you may disable the "Auto track departures" checkbox in the "Settings" window to not automatically initiate track on the departing aircraft that you are responsible for in the current scenario.

When you own an aircraft's track, the datablock becomes white a full datablock and the letter corresponding to your position's TCP (here, "G") will appear at the center of the radar track.

Note that you can not issue control instructions to an aircraft unless it is on your radio frequency. If you track a departure before it contacts you, it is still under the tower's control and tuned to the tower's radio frequency. Once the (virtual) tower controller tells the aircraft to "contact departure", they will check in with a message on your radio frequency. It is at this point that you also have control of the aircraft and can start issuing control commands to it.

Inbound Handoffs

Aircraft entering your airspace will be generally owned by another controller (human or virtual) before they are handed off to you. Initially, they are displayed with a partial datablock that shows altitude in hundreds of feet, groundspeed in tens of knots, and the scratchpad, if set. Often it is a center controller who owns the aircraft and a "C" will be displayed for the position id, as in the example below:

The controller who owns the aircraft's track may eventually hand it off to you; at this point, the datablock will turn white, start flashing, and change to a full datablock as shown below.

The datablock will continue flashing until you accept the handoff by slewing the aircraft's radar track using one of the following commands:

Command Function
[SLEW] Accepts the handoff of the slewed aircraft (if it is being handed off!).
[HND OFF] Accepts the aircraft being handed off that is closest to the center of the range rings.

After a handoff is accepted, the aircraft's datablock will stop flashing and remain white. However, as with departures, you do not have control of the aircraft until the other controller instructs the aircraft to contact you, transferring control as well. After the aircraft contacts you on the radio, you may start issuing control instructions to it.

Outbound Handoffs

When you are ready to hand off an aircraft's track to another controller, a number of commands are available to do so:

Command Function
Initiates a handoff of the slewed aircraft to the specified controller.
Cancels an initiated handoff to another controller.

(For these commands, determining the correct controller ID to enter has a few subtleties and is discussed further below.) The datablocks of outbound handoffs have an identifier for the target controller stuffed into the second line of the datablock, four characters in. For JBU52 below, it is "V", corresponding to the intrafacility position "1V" that the aircraft is being handed off to, and for TAM9021, it is "C", corresponding to a center position. For handoffs outside the facility (including to center), the position identifier is shown in the datablock multiplexed with the altitude and scratchpad (it is "N86" for TAM9021.)

After the other controller accepts the handoff, control of the aircraft's track is transferred to them. The aircraft's datablock will start flashing to notify you of this and the letter on the track will switch to be the other controller's. After a few seconds the datablock will stop flashing. Note that at this point you still retain control of the aircraft and can issue control instructions to it since you haven't yet transferred control to the other controller.

When you are ready to transfer control of the aircraft to the controller who has accepted the track, enter the FC command in the command input window and slew the aircraft. This will instruct the aircraft to switch frequencies to the next controller. Clicking on the track of an aircraft that has been handed off causes the datablock color to switch to green; this can be used to remember that you have transferred communications of an aircraft to the other controller.

Redirecting Handoffs

An incoming handoff can be redirected to another TCP by entering the TCP's ID and slewing the aircraft, just as if you owned the track and were handing it off. Doing so will add RD to the datablock shown to the handoff initiator and the redirector, and show the TCP to where the track was redirected to. This also turns the datablock green for the redirector. Here is a datablock for a redirected handoff as seen by the original handoff initiator; we can see that it has been handed off to the "X" TCP at the facility.

Redirected handoffs can be canceled using the same commands as are used for canceling regular handoffs.

Terminating Control

In addition to handing off tracks to other controllers; a controller may terminate control, otherwise known as "radar services terminated, frequency change approved". The following commands are available:

Command Function
Drops the track of the specified aircraft.
[TERM CTRL]ALL Drops the tracks of all aircraft under the controller's control.

Point Outs

Point outs let controllers direct another controller's attention to an aircraft; some facilities may have prearranged coordination procedures where an aircraft may pass through another controller's aircraft after a point out, or a point out may be performed before verbally coordinating with another controller. The following commands are available for point outs:

Command Function
(CID)*[SLEW] Points out the slewed aircraft to the specified controller.
[SLEW] Cancels a point out of an aircraft.
UN[SLEW] If the aircraft is being pointed out to the controller, rejects the point out.
[HND OFF][SLEW] If the aircraft is being pointed out to a controller, takes ownership of the aircraft's track.
Prints the point out history—up to the last 20 TCPs to which the aircraft has been pointed out.

An outbound point out is shown on the originator's scope with "PO" to the right of the aircraft id, followed by one character identifying the other controller's TCP. (Here, "B", for TCP 1B.)

An inbound point out causes the corresponding aircraft's datablock to switch to a FDB and flash yellow, with "PO" shown after the aircraft id.

Clicking on a point out acknowledges it. This causes the datablock to stop flashing but leaves the datablock yellow. A second click reverts to a green datablock, but leaves it as a FDB. A third click will then change back to a regular green PDB.

On the originator's scope, an accepted point out causes a flashing "PO" to appear to the right of the aircraft id for a few seconds.

An inbound point out can be rejected by entering UN[SLEW]; a flashing "UN" is shown to the right of the datablock on the originator's scope in this case.

Track Information

Much information is encoded in the radar track symbol of an aircraft and the datablock displayed next to it. STARS provides many different ways to configure how this information is presented in an effort to balance providing the necessary information about aircraft that are important to a controller while minimizing the visual clutter from aircraft that are less relevant.

Track Symbols

The location of each aircraft visible to RADAR is shown using a primary target symbol. Which shape is used for the symbol depends on which RADAR mode has been selected and which RADAR sites are active. FUSED is the default radar mode, in which case a small blue circle is used for aircraft tracks, as in the examples so far.

In MULTI mode, a small blue rectangle is used in place of the circle and the rectangle is oriented based on the aircraft's heading; this example is flying in a northeasterly direction:

In SINGLE mode, a blue rectangle is also used, but the size of the rectangle varies based on how close the track is to the RADAR site and the rectangle is oriented toward the RADAR site rather than according to the aircraft's heading. The track is bigger the farther away it is from the RADAR site, which helps show the degree of uncertainty in its position. SINGLE mode also includes a green line on the far side of the track with respect to the RADAR site's position. This track is 50 miles from the RADAR site so has a relatively large rectangle, and the RADAR site is to the East, so the green line is on the left:

In SINGLE mode, if the aircraft is very far from the RADAR site, only the outline of the blue rectangle is shown.

The brightness of track symbols is controlled using "PRI" in the DCB BRITE menu.

Track History

STARS can draw a trail of small purple circles behind a track to show its prior path. The number of circles drawn and the time between adding a new circle to the trail is set using the HISTORY and H_RATE buttons in the auxiliary DCB:

HISTORY sets the number of history dots; it may range from 0 to 10. Here is a track with a full complement of 10 history dots:

H_RATE sets the time in seconds before STARS tries to add another history dot. Note that after this time passes, STARS does not immediately add another dot; rather, it waits until the next RADAR position is received for the aircraft. Under FUSED RADAR mode, positions are received every second, and under MULTI and SINGLE modes they are received every 5 seconds. Thus, for example, under FUSED mode with a H_RATE of 4.5, a new history dot is added every 5 seconds: STARS waits 4.5 seconds since adding the previous dot, which by definition occurred when a new RADAR position was received. When the next arrives in 0.5 more seconds, a dot is added, leading to a 5 second overall rate.

The brightness of track symbols is controlled with "HST" in the DCB BRITE menu.

Position Symbols

All tracks have a single-character position symbol at their center that indicates which controller owns the track. Position symbols are determined as follows:

  • If the track is owned by a controller in the current controller's facility, the controller's sector ID is used. (For example, if N4P is the current controller's TCP, an aircraft controlled by N1V would be shown with an "V".
  • If the track is owned by a terminal controller in an adjacent facility, the facility id is shown.
  • If the track is owned by an enroute controller, either "C" or the enroute facility ID is shown.

The brightness of track symbols is controlled using "POS" in the DCB BRITE menu.

For unassociated primary tracks that are not squawking altitude, the triangle that is normally drawn for their position symbol can be disabled.

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]2PI Inhibits the display of the position symbol for unassociated primary tracks.
[MULTIFUNC]2PE Enables the display of the position symbol for unassociated primary tracks.

For unassociated tracks that do have functioning transponders, is also possible to select individual beacon codes or beacon codes blocks; unassociated aircraft squawking matching beacon codes are then displayed with different position symbols than the usual. By default, all 12xx beacon codes are handled this way. In that case, aircraft not squawking altitude are drawn with a triangle position symbol and those that are are drawn with a square.

Command Function
Toggle the display of either a single beacon code (if four digits are entered) or a beacon code bank (if two digits are entered). Beacon code banks are identified by the first two digits; for example B12 toggles the 12xx beacon code block.
[MULTIFUNC]B* Clear all selected beacon code blocks.

Datablock Types

There are three datablock formats that may be used, depending on circumstances: limited datablocks (LDBs), partial datablocks (PDBs), and full datablocks (FDBs)s.

Limited Datablocks (LDBs)

Limited datablocks are shown when a target is not tracked by a TCP. By default, they only display the altitude's altitude in hundreds of feet, though if the track is slewed, they display the aircraft's assigned squawk code and groundspeed for a short period of time.

A few commands are also available to control the display of squawk (beacon) codes in LDBs:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]B Toggle the display of beacon codes in LDBs.
[MULTIFUNC]B(SLEW) Toggle the display of the beacon code for an unassociated aircraft.
[MULTIFUNC]BE(SLEW) Enable the display of the beacon code for an unassociated aircraft.
[MULTIFUNC]BI(SLEW) Disable the display of the beacon code for an unassociated aircraft.

The brightness of LDBs is controlled using LDB in the DCB BRITE menu.

If you're searching for an unassociated aircraft squawking a specific beacon code, the beacon code display command can be used to cause all aircraft squawking that code to flash it in yellow in their limited datablock.

Command Function
**#### For all unassociated aircraft squawking the entered beacon code, display the beacon code in flashing yellow text in their limited data block for a short period of time.

Partial Datablock (PDBs)

Partial Datablocks are associated datablocks that are owned by another controller. They show the aircraft's altitude and groundspeed (in tens of knots), followed by a letter indicating its consolidated wake turbulence (CWT) category; see below for more information about CWT. The altitude may alternate with the aircraft's scratchpad or destination airport, as in the example below:

Some STARS facilities use variations on the above PDB format: they may also include the secondary scratchpad, time-share the aircraft type with the groundspeed and CWT category, not include the groundspeed, or show the groundspeed and CWT category separately.

Slewing a PDB converts it to a full datablock; a second slew returns it to a PDB.

The brightness of PDBs is also controlled using LDB in the DCB BRITE menu.

Full Datablock (FDBs)

Full datablocks provide the most information about aircraft; at minimum, they show the aircraft identifier (i.e., its callsign), its altitude in hundreds of feet, its groundspeed in tens of knots, a letter denoting its CWT category, and the aircraft type. Groundspeed and CWT category alternate with the aircraft type, as shown here:

Various other information may be present in a FDB. Here we see the primary scratchpad "L30" and the secondary scratchpad "DEP" alternating with the altitude, where a "+" after "DEP" indicates that the secondary scratchpad is shown. We also see a temporary, controller-assigned altitude of 12,000 feet indicated by "A120" in the third line.

The brightness of FDBs is also controlled using FDB in the DCB BRITE menu.

The FDB is displayed for a track if any of the following is true:

  • The track is owned by the current controller.
  • The track is being handed off from another controller to the current controller.
  • The track is a redirected handoff where the current controller has either redirected it or had it redirected to them.
  • Another controller has pointed out the track to the current controller and the point out hasn't been cleared.
  • The user has clicked on a track owned by another controller.
  • The track is owned by a controller whose sector id the user has quicklooked.
  • The track has been force quicklooked to the current controller by another controller.
  • "Quick look all" has been enabled by the controller.
  • The aircraft is squawking a special purpose code (e.g., 7700 for an emergency) or if it has an active safety alert (e.g., low altitude).

A command is also available to control whether the FDB is displayed for overflights that are not under the user's control:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]E Toggle the display of the FDB for overflights.
[MULTIFUNC]EE Enable the display of the FDB for overflights.
[MULTIFUNC]EI Disable ("inhibit") the display of the FDB for overflights.


The "beaconator" feature is enabled by holding the F1 key on the keyboard. In full datablocks, it causes the aircraft id to be replaced with the code the aircraft is squawking. Partial datablocks show the sqwawk code in the first line, and limited datablocks show the squawk code and aircraft id. Here is an example of all three types of datablock, alternating with the beaconator enabled and disabled.

Datablock Control Commands

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]E Toggle FDB for overflights

Additional Datablock Entries

A number of additional useful pieces of information can be found in datablocks, depending on the circumstances.


In STARS, scratchpads are used to convey information to controllers—for example, the departure exit gate, or an assigned approach. Each aircraft has a primary scratchpad and a secondary scratchpad. Either may be set independently. Scratchpads are three characters by default, but may be four at some facilities. They may contain letters, numbers, plus signs, periods, delta symbols, forward slashes, and asterisks, though they may not contain three numbers. The following commands can be used to manage scratchpads:

Command Function
Sets the primary scratchpad to (SCR) for the selected aircraft. When the first form of this command is used, (SCR) must not be a controller ID; if it is, a handoff to the controller will be initiated instead.
+(SCR)[SLEW] /
Sets the secondary scratchpad to (SCR) for the selected aircraft. When the first form of this command is used, (SCR) must not be three digits; if it is, the aircraft's temporary altitude will be set instead.
.[SLEW] /
Clears the selected aircraft's primary scratchpad.
+[SLEW] /
Clears the selected aircraft's secondary scratchpad.

In PDBs and FDBs, the primary scratchpad multiplexes with the aircraft's altitude. The secondary scratchpad is only shown in FDBs, where it also multiplexes with the altitude and primary scratchpad, if set; it also has a plus sign displayed after it in the datablock. In the example below, the aircraft has "I2L" for its primary scratchpad and "SS" for its second.


If a controller has instructed an aircraft to ident, a flashing "ID" will appear in its datablock. In FDBs, "ID" replaces the CWT category next to the airspeed and the aircraft type is temporarily no longer displayed. LDBs display the aircraft's squawk code and "ID" for identing aircraft, and PDBs display "ID" at the end of the second line of the datablock.

Temporary Altitude

In order to help remember the altitudes they have assigned aircraft, controllers may associate a temporary altitude with each aircraft under their control. Temporary altitudes given in hundreds of feet and are shown on the right side of the bottom line of FDBs; here, we can see that AAL929, currently at 3,700', has been assigned a temporary altitude of 3,000'.

Two commands are available to manage the temporary altitudes associated with aircraft.

Command Function
+(###)[SLEW] Specifies a temporary altitude for the selected aircraft.
+000[SLEW] Clears the temporary altitude for the selected aircraft.

Requested Altitude

The requested final cruising altitudes of departing aircraft may optionally be displayed in FDBs, multiplexed with the airspeed and aircraft type. The following commands are available to control this:

Command Function
++(###)[SLEW] Sets the requested altitude (given in hundreds of feet) for the slewed aircraft.
[MULTIFUNC]RA[SLEW] Toggles display of requested altitude for the slewed aircraft.
[MULTIFUNC]RAE[SLEW] Enables the display of requested altitude for the slewed aircraft.
[MULTIFUNC]RAI[SLEW] Disables the display of requested altitude for the slewed aircraft.
[MULTIFUNC]RA Toggles display of requested altitude for all aircraft that have not had requested altitude display specifically enabled or inhibited.
[MULTIFUNC]RAE Enables the display of requested altitude for all aircraft that have not had requested altitude display inhibited.
[MULTIFUNC]RAI Disables the display of requested altitude for all aircraft that have not had requested altitude display enabled.

Pilot-Reported Altitude

If an aircraft's transponder is not transmitting altitude, the altitude field in the full datablock is left blank. Further, "ISR" is shown in yellow, indicating that there is an increased separation requirement for the aircraft compared to regular IFR separation.

For such aircraft, the pilot may verbally report their current altitude to the controller. A few commands are available to record pilot-reported altitude so that it can be displayed in the datablock. Here, the aircraft has reported that they are at 9,000'. "ISR" is no longer displayed and an asterisk after the altitude indicates that it is pilot-reported and not from the transponder.

Command Function
Sets the pilot-reported altitude for the aircraft.
Clears the pilot-reported altitude (and the scratchpad, if set) for the aircraft.

Consolidated Wake Turbulence (CWT)

Each type of aircraft has been assigned a Consolidated Wake Turbulence (CWT) category by the FAA. CWT categories range from "A" to "I" and go in decreasing order of aircraft size. Aircraft CWT categories are shown in both PDBs and FDBs. This table lists the categories and has representative aircraft types for each one.

Letter Category Examples
A Super A380
B Upper Heavy A33*, A34*, A35*, B744, B77*, B788, B789
C Lower Heavy A30*, A310, B76*, DC10, MD11
D Non-Pairwise Heavy B74[1,3,D,R,S], B78X
E B757 B752, B753
F Upper Large A31*, A32*, B73*, DH8D, E190
G Lower Large CRJ*, GLF[2,3,4]
H Upper Small BE40, B350, C560, LJ*
I Lower Small BE20, C25[A, B], PA31, SR22

Squawk Codes

IFR aircraft have preassigned squawk codes and should already be squawking them, though a few commands are available to issue new squawk codes to aircraft if needed:

Command Function
Assign an automatically-generated available squawk code to the aircraft.
[FLT DATA](ACID) (####) /
[FLT DATA](####)[SLEW]
Assign squawk the specified squawk code.

Note that when using these STARS commands, you will need to use the SQ command in the aircraft control window to inform aircraft of their new squawk code.

If an aircraft is not squawking the beacon code assigned to it, the bottom line of the full datablock shows both the code it is squawking (on the left) and the code it has been assigned (on the right). The code that it should be squawking flashes to alert the controller.

Special Purpose Codes (SPCs)

If an aircraft squawks a special purpose code (SPC) (e.g., 7600 for a radio failure, 7700 for an emergency, etc.), the corresponding two-letter code is shown in red at the top of the FDB and an alert sounds. The alert can be silenced by slewing the aircraft. Here is an example for an aircraft squawking 7700.

The controller may also associate an SPC with an aircraft regardless of what it is squawking by entering a SPC and slewing the aircraft. An alert sound is not played in this case. The following codes may be used:

Command Function
LL[SLEW] Associates the "lost link" SPC with the selected aircraft.
HJ[SLEW] Associates the "hijack" SPC with the selected aircraft.
RF[SLEW] Associates the "radio failure" SPC with the selected aircraft.
EM[SLEW] Associates the "emergency" SPC with the selected aircraft.
MI[SLEW] Associates the "military intercept" SPC with the selected aircraft.

It is also possible to add custom codes for a facility via "custom_spcs" in "stars_config". Custom SPCs are shown in yellow.

Leader Lines and Positioning Datablocks

Leader lines connect radar tracks to the datablocks of the associated aircraft. They may have eight orientations, corresponding to the eight cardinal and ordinal directions. Here is an example of a radar track with a leader line East of the aircraft (left) and Northwest of it (right):

The DCB offers two buttons for configuring leader lines:

The top button, LDR DIR, is a spinner that controls the default direction of leader lines for aircraft whose tracks that are owned by the current controller. The bottom button, LDR, controls the length of all leader lines. The leader line length can range from 0 to 7, with the range of lengths shown below:

A number of keyboard commands are available to specify leader lines, including ways to specify them for subsets of the aircraft. These all use the numbers 1-9 to specify a leader line direction; depending on the command, 5 may be used to clear a previously-set direction or it may be invalid.

If you have a numeric keypad on your keyboard, you have an easy reference to the association between numbers and directions; consider the aircraft to be at the position of the "5" key and then the other numbers specify the direction of the leader line relative to the aircraft. If you don't have a numeric keypad, visualize one, or refer to this figure:


A number of commands are available to configure leader lines, where all uses of (#) below correspond to a number following the above convention for specifying directions:

Command Function
Sets the leader line direction for the aircraft, where (#) is a valid leader line direction specifier. 5 may be given to clear a previously-assigned direction.
[MULTIFUNC]L(#)U Sets the default leader line direction for aircraft with unassociated tracks.
[MULTIFUNC]L(#)* Sets the default leader line direction for aircraft tracked by other controllers. 5 may be given to clear a previously-assigned direction.
[MULTIFUNC]L(TCP)(#) Sets the leader line for aircraft controlled by the specified TCP. If a one-letter TCP is entered for a controller in the same area, a space should be entered after it. 5 may be entered to clear a previously-assigned direction
Sets the default leader line for a single track system-wide, across all controllers' displays. 55 may be entered to clear a previously-specified direction.
[LDR] Activates the LDR spinner in the DCB.


"Quicklook" makes it possible to specify that all tracks owned by another controller will be shown with a full datablock instead of a partial datablock. This can be useful when one controller is feeding aircraft to another; quicklook gives some more visibility into the flow of inbound aircraft. When "quicklook plus" is used, the datablocks of quicklooked aircraft are also shown in white rather than green.

A number of commands are available to control quicklook:

Command Function
Toggles quicklook for the specified control position. Multiple positions may be specified, separated by spaces. If a "+" is included after the control position, quicklook plus is toggled. If the user's current TCP is entered, the currently-quicklooked positions are shown in the preview area.
Enables "quicklook all", where all aircraft are shown as being quicklooked.
Enables quicklook all plus for all aircraft.
[MULTIFUNC]Q Disables all active quicklooks.

The currently-active quicklook positions can be shown in the SSA list, after "QL:".

Force Quicklook

A controller can also "force quicklook" a track that they own to cause its full datablock to be shown on another controller's display. Force quicklooked aircraft also have yellow datablocks for the recipient, until they clear the forced quicklook by slewing the track.

Command Function
**(CID)[SLEW] Force quicklook the slewed track to the identified controller. Multiple controller IDs may be specified, separated by spaces. "ALL" forces quicklook to all controllers.

Dwell Mode

Dwell mode increases the brightness of the track and datablock of the aircraft closest to the mouse cursor, if the mouse is reasonably close to a radar track. Here is an example of it:

It can be configured using the DWELL button in the auxiliary DCB; it may take the value OFF, ON, or LOCK. OFF disables DWELL mode and ON enables it, with the increase in brightness lasting as long as the mouse cursor is close to a track. With LOCK mode, the increased brightness of a track persists, even after the mouse cursor moves away. Only when another track is approached by the mouse cursor does the brightness increase switch to it.

Dwell mode can also be configured using the keyboard:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]DE Enable the ON dwell mode.
[MULTIFUNC]DI Disable dwell mode.
[MULTIFUNC]DL Enable the LOCK dwell mode.

Altitude Filters

Controllers can set altitude filters to hide the datablocks and leader lines of aircraft outside a range of altitudes of interest; doing so can help reduce the amount of clutter on the screen. Here is an example of a track that is outside the filter range:

Note that if an track is pointed out or is an inbound handoff, its full datablock will still be shown, even if it is outside of the current altitude filter.

STARS supports two filters, one for unassociated tracks and one for associated tracks. Each of these filters is a range of altitudes, specified in hundreds of feet. The following commands are available to manage altitude filters:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]F Display the current altitude filters in the preview area. The first filter range applies to unassociated tracks and the second applies to associated tracks.
[MULTIFUNC]FC(###)(###) Specifies the altitude filter range for associated tracks. The first three digits give the bottom altitude of the filter range and the second three digits give the top of the filter range. Both altitudes are given in hundreds of feet.
[MULTIFUNC]F(###)(###) (###)(###) Specifies the altitude filter range for both unassociated and associated tracks. The first three digits give the bottom of the filter range for unassociated tracks and the next three give the top of the range for unassociated tracks, both in hundreds of feet. The following pair of three digit numbers similarly give the filter range for associated tracks.


STARS offers a variety of tools to help with vectoring aircraft and ensuring they remain separated. For most of the tools in this section, the font size is based on the TOOLS font size in the CHAR SIZE menu of the DCB and the brightness is based on the TLS setting in the BRITE menu of the DCB.

Flight Plan / Beacon Code Display

Command Function
Display flight plan
[MULTIFUNC]B[SLEW] If the slewed aircraft is associated, display its aircraft id, received, and assigned beacon code in the preview area.

Position Reporting

Command Function
*[SLEW][CLICK] Shows the heading and distance from the clicked point in the STARS window to the selected aircraft.
[MULTIFUNC]D*[CLICK] Prints the latitude-longitude coordinates of the clicked location in the preview area.

Collision Alerts and Mode C Intruders

If there is a loss of separation between aircraft or if STARS predicts an imminent loss of separation, a collision alert will be issued where red text "CA" is shown in the aircraft datablocks and an alert sound will be played. The alert sound continues until one of the aircraft is slewed. Here is an example of a pair of aircraft with CA alerts:

An alert is also issued if an unassociated track loses separation with an associated track; in this case, the unassociated track is called a mode C intruder (MCI). No alerts are issued for pairs of unassociated tracks.

A few commands are available to enable and disable collision alerts and MCI alerts:

Command Function
Toggles whether CA warnings are enabled for the aircraft.
Toggles whether CA warnings are enabled for a pair of aircraft. The slewed aircraft must be in conflict with exactly one other aircraft or must have previously had collision alerts inhibited as part of a pair of aircraft.
[CA]AI Disable CA warnings on all aircraft.
[CA]AE Enable CA warnings, except for aircraft that have had them individually disabled.
[CA]M(ACID) #### /
Suppress MCI alerts between the specified aircraft and the given beacon code.
[CA]MI Disable MCI warnings on all aircraft.
[CA]ME Enable MCI warnings, except for aircraft that have had them individually disabled.

If collision alerts are globally disabled, "TW OFF: CA" will be displayed in the SSA list. If they are disabled for a particular aircraft, a triangle will be shown after the aircraft's callsign in its datablock. Here is a case where disabling CA for two aircraft was not a good idea.

Minimum Safe Altitude Warnings

If aircraft are beneath the minimum vectoring altitude at their location, a minimum safe altitude warning (MSAW) may be issued. Aircraft with MSAWs have "LA" (for "low altitude") displayed in red at the top of their datablocks. An alert sound is played when an MSAW is issued; it can be silenced by slewing the corresponding aircraft. Here is an example of such an aircraft:

MSAWs can be configured with these commands:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]VMI Disable MSAW for all aircraft.
[MULTIFUNC]VME Enable MSAW for all aircraft other than those for which it has been individually disabled.
[MULTIFUNC]V[SLEW] Toggle whether MSAW is enabled for the specified aircraft.
[MULTIFUNC]Q[SLEW] Temporarily inhibit MSAW for an aircraft that currently has an MSAW. Once the aircraft is above the MVA at its location, MSAW will be reenabled for it.

When MSAW is disabled or inhibited, an asterisk is shown after its datablock. (If both MSAW and CA is disabled for an aircraft, a plus sign will be shown after its datablock).

A map showing the minimum vectoring altitudes used for MSAWs is included in the "SYS PROC" maps available from the "MAPS" menu in the DCB.

Predicted Track Lines

PTLs (Predicted Track Lines) show the aircraft's predicted course over the course of 0.5 to 3 minutes into the future. Here is an example of a track with a PTL:

PTLs can be controlled using these buttons in the auxiliary DCB menu, which is shown by selecting SHIFT from the main DCB.

PTL OWN sets whether PTLs are shown for tracks that are owned by the TCP, and PTL ALL sets whether PTLs are shown all associated tracks in the current altitude filters. It is also possible to display or hide the PTL of individual aircraft using a keyboard command.

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]R[SLEW] Enable/disable the PTL for a radar track. An error is issued if the aircraft is already displaying a PTL due to PTL OWN or PTL ALL being enabled.
[MULTIFUNC]R Disable all individually-enabled PTLs.

Range Bearing Lines

Range bearing lines (RBLs) track the distance and heading between aircraft and/or fixes. For example, the image below shows an RBL between two aircraft, indicating that N63A is 6.50nm miles along a 118 heading from AAL86. In this case, the RBL was drawn from AAL86 to N63A; if it had been drawn the other way, the label would be next to AAL86 and the heading would be 118+180=298. The "-1" at the end of the label indicates that this is RBL number 1. If additional RBLs were created, they would be given successive numbers to identify them.

RBLs may be created between pairs of aircraft, and aircraft and a fixed location, or a pair of fixed locations. When aircraft are involved, the corresponding RBL endpoint moves along with the aircraft.

The following commands are available to create and delete RBLs:

Command Function
*T[SLEW][SLEW] Create an RBL between the two slewed aircraft.
*T[SLEW](FIX) or *T(FIX)[SLEW] Create an RBL between the slewed aircraft and the fix FIX.
*T[SLEW](#) Delete the RBL with given number.
*T Delete all RBLs.

Minimum Separation

The predicted minimum separation between two aircraft can be shown. Below we see that based on their current routes the two aircraft are predicted to have a minimum separation of 2.15nm and that separation will occur when they are at the two points marked by small triangles.

tpa ring

The following commands are available to create and minimum separation lines.

Command Function
[MIN][SLEW][SLEW] Create an RBL between the two slewed aircraft.
[MIN] Create an RBL between the slewed aircraft and the fix FIX.


The terminal proximity alert (TPA) and automated TPA (ATPA) tools provide graphical representations that aid in ensuring that there is sufficient separation between aircraft. A TPA cone can be associated with an aircraft to show a given distance in nautical miles in front of it; see the left image below for a TPA cone marking 4nm. A TPA J-ring is a circle around an aircraft's radar track of specified radius; the right image below shows a J-ring with a 4nm radius.

The following keyboard commands are also available to configure TPA cones and J-rings:

Command Function
*J(###)[SLEW] Adds a TPA J-ring with radius given by ### to the selected track.
*J[SLEW] Removes TPA J-ring from the selected track.
**J Removes TPA J-rings from all tracks.
*P(###)[SLEW] Adds a TPA cone with length given by ### to the selected track.
*P[SLEW] Removes TPA cone from the selected track. (ATPA cones are unaffected.)
**P Removes TPA cones from all tracks. (ATPA cones are unaffected.)
*D+ Toggles the display of the mileage represented by TPA rings/cones for all tracks.
*D+[SLEW] Toggles the display of the mileage represented by TPA rings/cones for the selected track.
*D+E Enables the display of the mileage represented by TPA rings/cones for all tracks.
*D+E[SLEW] Enables the display of the mileage represented by TPA rings/cones for the selected track.
*D+I Inhibits the display of the mileage represented by TPA rings/cones for all tracks.
*D+I[SLEW] Inhibits the display of the mileage represented by TPA rings/cones for the selected track.

ATPA automatically generates cones for aircraft in the approach volume for a runway. (Approach volumes are generally along the glideslope for a runway.) For example, the image below shows a 5nm cone in front of BAW6895, indicating the required separation for a CWT F-class aircraft (upper large) behind an upper-heavy B-class aircraft. The current in-trail distance, 4.55nm, is shown in BAW6895's datablock, and both that distance and the cone are red, indicating an ATPA alert for loss of separation.

ATPA alert cone

This table shows the minimum in-trail distances required by ATPA for aircraft on approaches; NOWGT is used if the weight class of an aircraft is unknown:

Trailing CWT Class
Leading CWT Class A -4.5667777810
B -3445555610
C ----
D -3445556610
E/F --------410
G/H/I ---------10
NOWGT 10101010101010101010

ATPA alerts are issued if a loss of separation is expected in the next 24 seconds, and ATPA warnings (which are drawn in yellow) are issued if a loss of separation is expected in the next 24-45 seconds.

TPA and ATPA can be configured by selecting "SHIFT" from the main DCB menu and then "TPA/ATPA". The following options are provided:

The first four buttons toggle a particular TPA/ATPA option and display "ENABLED" if the corresponding option is enabled, and "INHIBTD" if it is inhibited. "DONE" returns to the previous DCB menu.

  • A/TPA MILEAGE: whether the respective radius or length are shown with TPA J-rings or TPA/APTA cones.
  • INTRAIL DIST: determines whether the in-trail distance to the next aircraft is shown in the datablocks for arrivals in an ATPA volume.
  • ALERT CONES: determines whether ATPA warning and alert cones are automatically created when insufficient separation is predicted. If disabled but monitor cones are enabled, monitor cones will be shown.
  • MONITOR CONES: determines whether monitor cones may be automatically created for all arrivals in an ATPA volume.

The following keyboard commands are also available to configure ATPA:

Command Function
*AE Enables the display of ATPA warning/alert cones for all tracks.
*AE[SLEW] Enables the display of ATPA warning/alert cones for the selected track.
*AI Inhibits the display of ATPA warning/alert cones for all tracks.
*AI[SLEW] Inhibits the display of ATPA warning/alert cones for the selected track.
*BE Enables the display of ATPA monitor cones for all tracks.
*BE[SLEW] Enables the display of ATPA monitor cones for the selected track.
*BI Inhibits the display of ATPA monitor cones for all tracks.
*BI[SLEW] Inhibits the display of ATPA monitor cones for the selected track.
*DE Enables the display of ATPA in-trail distance all tracks.
*DE[SLEW] Enables the display of ATPA in-trail distance the selected track.
*DI Inhibits the display of ATPA in-trail distance for all tracks.
*DI[SLEW] Inhibits the display of ATPA in-trail distance for the selected track.

For facility engineers, the ATPA approach volumes are listed in the "PROCESSING AREAS" map list, which can be selected via "SYS PROC" from the DCB "MAPS" menu. Individual maps can be displayed and then hidden by entering [MAPS](###) where ### is the map number associated with the volume.


To help with determining headings when vectoring aircraft, a compass rose may be displayed around the edges of the STARS radar scope:

The brightness of the compass rose is controlled by CMP in the BRITE DCB menu and the size of the font used is set based on TOOLS in the CHAR SIZE DCB menu.

Range Rings

Range rings are concentric circles drawn around a selected point with successive steps between their radii that are 2, 5, 10, or 20nm. With 5nm steps, the default, here are the 5 and 10nm range rings drawn around KEWR:

A few buttons on the main DCB make it possible to configure range rings. Clicking on RR activates a spinner that allows selecting the step between radii. If PLACE RR is clicked, then the next location clicked on the radar scope will become the range rings' center point. Finally, clicking RR CNTR causes the range rings to be centered on the point at the center of the radar scope; If the range rings are not currently centered, RR CNTR is drawn depressed.

The radius of the range rings can also be set by entering [RANGE] and then 2, 5, 10, or 20, and then pressing enter.

The brightness of range rings can be controlled with the "RR" spinner in the "BRITE" menu of the main DCB. If the brightness is set to 0, range rings are not drawn.


The Converging Runways Display Aid (CRDA) helps ensure separation between aircraft approaching intersecting runways. It does so by drawing "ghost" aircraft on one course that correspond to aircraft on another course. The idea is perhaps best understood with an example:

Here four aircraft are approaching KPHL, AAL45 and JZA868 landing runway 27R and JIA1524 and FFT5099 landing runway 17. With CRDA enabled, ghosts of the aircraft landing 27R are drawn on the runway 17 approach course at the same distance out as they are from the point where the two runways intersect. If we compare the separation of AAL45's ghost with FFT5099, we can see that there will be adequate separation between the two aircraft—FFT5099 will be well past where the runways intersect before AAL45 lands. It's a little tighter with JZA868 and JIA1524, though CRDA might give us the hint to slow down JZA868 to increase distance between them.

Ghost aircraft may be positioned via either "stagger" or "tie" mode. With stagger mode, the ghosts are the same difference from a common point (e.g., the intersection of two runways); the controller's goal is then to ensure adequate separation between ghost and actual aircraft radar tracks. Alternatively, with tie mode, ghosts are offset so that the controller's goal is to have actual aircraft radar tracks coincide with the ghost tracks in order to achieve separation.

When CRDA is available at an airport, the CRDA status list may be displayed on the STARS scope. Entering [MULTIFUNC]TN toggles whether it is shown, and [MULTIFUNC]TN[SLEW] repositions it on the screen. In the example below, we can see from the "S" in the line two below "CRDA STATUS" that CRDA is enabled in stagger mode for runways 27R/17 at KPHL for the current controller, who has ID 6F.

CRDA status list

Ghost radar tracks are normally only generated for aircraft within a pre-defined volume of space around an approach course and only if their heading is within a specified range of the approach heading. However, a number of commands below allow forcing a ghost track even if these criteria are not met.

A variety of commands are available to configure CRDA. Some take an airport's identifier, which should be given without the initial "K": i.e., "PHL" for Philadelphia, not "KPHL":

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]N Toggles whether CRDA is enabled.
Toggles whether ghost tracks are enabled for the CRDA runway pair at the specified airport. The number is an index into the list of CRDA runway pairs for the airport in the CRDA system list. If no airport is specified, the controller's default airport is used.
Toggles stagger mode for the CRDA runway pair at the specified airport. The number is an index into the list of CRDA runway pairs for the airport in the CRDA system list. If no airport is specified, the controller's default airport is used.
Toggles tie mode for the given CRDA runway pair at the specified airport. The number is an index into the list of CRDA runway pairs for the airport in the CRDA system list. If no airport is specified, the controller's default airport is used.
Disables CRDA for the given runway pair at the specified airport. The number is an index into the list of CRDA runway pairs for the airport in the CRDA system list. If no airport is specified, the controller's default airport is used.
Set the leader line direction for ghost aircraft at the specified airport and given runway according to the given number. Clears the assigned leader line direction if '5' is given. The airport may be omitted if the runway uniquely identifies the corresponding airport.
[MULTIFUNC]N*ALL Force ghost tracks for all aircraft. (Aircraft still must be within the lateral boundary of their runway's approach region for a ghost to be displayed, however.)
[MULTIFUNC]N[SLEW] If a ghost track was slewed, suppress display of that ghost. If a primary track was slewed, enable regular display of its ghost.
[MULTIFUNC]N*[SLEW] If a ghost track as slewed, display the aircraft's flight plan in the preview area. If a primary track was slewed, toggle whether display of its ghost is forced (i.e., always displayed regardless of heading, altitude, etc., so long as it is within the lateral boundary of its runway's approach region.)
[MULTIFUNC]N(AIRPORT) (RWY) / [MULTIFUNC]N(RWY) Toggles whether ghosts are generated for the specified runway. The airport may be omitted if the runway uniquely identifies the corresponding airport.
[MULTIFUNC]N(AIRPORT) (RWY)E / [MULTIFUNC]N(RWY)E Enable ghosts for the specified runway. The airport may be omitted if the runway uniquely identifies the corresponding airport.
[MULTIFUNC]N(AIRPORT) (RWY)I / [MULTIFUNC]N(RWY)I Inhibit ghosts for the specified runway. The airport may be omitted if the runway uniquely identifies the corresponding airport.
[MULTIFUNC]N(AIRPORT) (RWY) B / [MULTIFUNC]N(RWY) B Toggle whether the qualification region for the runway is drawn; this is the lateral region of space aircraft must be inside for a ghost to be generated. The airport may be omitted if the runway uniquely identifies the corresponding airport.
[MULTIFUNC]N(AIRPORT) (RWY) L / [MULTIFUNC]N(RWY) L Toggle whether the course lines for the runway are drawn; these show the final approach course that CRDA is defined with respect to. The airport may be omitted if the runway uniquely identifies the corresponding airport.
[MULTIFUNC]TN Toggles whether the CRDA system list is visible.
[MULTIFUNC]TN[SLEW] Specifies the position of the CRDA system list in the STARS window.
[MULTIFUNC]TN(##) Specifies the number of lines of text in the CRDA list

Significant Points

There are a number of significant points associated with each TRACON; these include arrival fixes and exits, airports in the TRACON and other relevant fixes (e.g., those with predefined holds.) STARS offers two commands that print the distance and heading from a selected point (e.g. an aircraft) to a significant point.

Command Function
*F[SLEW][SLEW] Shows the distance and heading from the first slewed point to the significant point closest to the second slewed point.
*F[SLEW](FIX) Shows the distance and heading from the slewed point to the significant point identified by (FIX).

Restriction Areas

Restriction areas are annotations on STARS maps that add additional information, usually related to temporary conditions (flight restrictions, events, etc.) They may be circular, polygonal, or have no shape associated with them, and may include text that provides additional information about them. They are drawn in yellow in the STARS window and their brightness is controlled via the "Map group B" brightness.

Here is a circular restriction area with 2nm radius centered at the KFRG airport:

Restriction areas may be defined by the controller using commands described below or may be defined in scenario definition files (see STARS and Video Maps). If a controller defines a restriction area, it is make available to all other controllers in the session. As a convenience, vice also downloads the current FAA TFRs and automatically generates restriction areas for them.

The currently-available restriction areas can be seen via the restriction area list, which can be displayed and positioned using these commands:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]TRA Toggles whether the restriction area list is visible.
[MULTIFUNC]TRA[SLEW] Places the restriction area list at the slewed location in the STARS window.

Here is an example of the restriction area list:

Restriction area numbers 1—100 are used for user-defined restriction areas and 101—200 for system-defined restriction areas.

The following commands can be used to create and delete restriction areas. (Note that system restriction areas cannot be deleted.) The syntax of the (RATEXT) and (RALOC) specifiers used for restriction areas is discussed below.

Command Function
[F12]G(RATEXT)(RALOC) Creates a text-only restriction area at the specified location. It is optional to enter a space between the G and the text.
[F12]C(###)(RATEXT) (RALOC)[ENTER] Creates a circular restriction area with given radius in nautical miles at the given location. The text is centered in the circle. A space may be entered between the radius and the text.
[F12]C(###)(RATEXT) (RALOC)[SLEW] Creates a circular restriction area with given radius in nautical miles at the given location. The text is centered at the slewed location. A space may be entered between the radius and the text.
[F12]A(RALOC)(RALOC)...(RATEXT)[SLEW] Creates an open polygonal restriction area with the given text with the specified vertices. At least two vertices but no more than ten must be provided. The text is centered at the final slewed point. Here, the ellipsis ... indicates that additional (RALOC) locations may be given, seperated by spaces. A space may be entered between the A and the first location.
[F12]A(RALOC)(RALOC)...(RATEXT)[SLEW] Creates an open polygonal restriction area (i.e., the last vertex connects with the first) with the given text with the specified vertices. At least three vertices but no more than ten must be provided. The text is centered at the final slewed point. Here, the ellipsis ... indicates that multiple successive (RALOC) locations may be given. A space may optionally be entered between the P and the first location.
[F12](###)DEL Deletes the restriction area with the given number.

In the restriction area commands, (RATEXT) is used to indicate specification of the text associated with the restriction area. One or two lines of text may be specified; if a second line is given, it should be separated from the first by a space. Because space is used to separate lines, periods must be entered for spaces within a line of text. These periods are converted to spaces by vice.

Depending on the context, a third line with additional qualifiers can be entered: to indicate that the text should blink and + to indicate that its associated shape should be shaded, or * followed by a number from 1—8 to specify a color for the graphics. Here are the colors associated with each number:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(RALOC) corresponds to specifying a location. One way to do so is by clicking a point in the STARS window; alternatively, the names of a fix, a fix offset by a given distance in a given direction, or a latitude-longitude coordinate may be provided. If keyboard entry is used, [ENTER] must be pressed after each location. Here are a few examples of text input:

  • CCC: specifies that the location of the CCC VOR should be used.
  • CCC/320/2.5: specifies a point 2.5nm miles along the 320 bearing from the CCC VOR.
  • 403758N/0734617W: specifies a latitude-longitude coordinate 40.37.58N, 73.46.17W. In other words, for latitude, the first two digits are degrees, the next two are minutes, and the next two are seconds, followed by a "N" or an "S". For longitude, three digits are used for degrees (and leading 0s must be used if necessary), then two digits for each of minutes and seconds, followed by "W" or "E". Latitude and longitude coordinates are separated by a slash /.

Putting all of the above together, the a restriction area above that is a 2nm circle around KFRG might be created by [F12]C2 REPUBLIC FRG[ENTER][ENTER]. We could instead make a shaded area with two lines of flashing by entering [F12]C2 REPUBLIC SHADED.AREA +∆ FRG[ENTER][ENTER]. Here is the result:

A number of commands are available to modify existing restriction areas and manage which ones are displayed:

Command Function
[F12]E(###) Displays the restriction area with the given number.
[F12]I(###) Hides the restriction area with the given number.
[F12](###) If the text in the restriction area with the given number is blinking, stops its blinking. Otherwise, toggles the restriction area's visibility.
[F12](###)T Toggles whether the text associated with the restriction area is visible.
[F12](###)T∆ / br [F12](###)T ∆ Toggles whether the text associated with the restriction area is visible. If it is visible, start the text blinking.
[F12](###)T(RATEXT) Changes the text for the associated restriction area to the specified text.
[F12](###)*(RALOC) /
Moves the center of the restriction area to the specified location. Note that only user-defined restriction areas may be moved.
[F12](###)*∆(RALOC) /
Moves the center of the restriction area to the specified location and display the text blinking. Note that only user-defined restriction areas may be moved.


Note: this feature is not present in real-world STARS.

vice is able to indicate when aircraft are outside of the departure or approach airspace, if it has information about the airspace boundaries. (This information is not available at all airports.) If an aircraft is outside of its assigned airspace, a red "AS" error will be printed at the top of its datablock, as shown below. The valid altitudes for the aircraft are shown as well, if there are any valid altitudes at its current location. For example, the aircraft below is at 5,000' but should be between 11,000' and 12,000' (or should be at a different location!)

The airspace volumes associated with controllers can be displayed by clicking on the button in the menubar to display the information window and then opening the "Airspace" section.

STARS Configuration

Range and Center

The left side of the main DCB has a few buttons for controlling the range of the STARS scope and where it is centered:

Clicking on RANGE activates the range spinner, which allows setting the scope range to be between 6 and 256 nautical miles. The center of the scope can be changed by clicking PLACE CNTR and clicking in the scope. Finally, OFF CNTR is shown as depressed when the scope's center is different than the default center specified in the scenario configuration. Clicking on it restores the center to the default.

Alternatively, center of the radar scope can be moved by clicking the right mouse button and dragging. Zoom in and out using the mouse wheel; each step increases or decreases the radius shown by one nautical mile. Holding down the control key while using the mouse wheel gives three mile steps in the radius. Zooming and panning the scope in this way can be disabled with vice's settings window, which is displayed when the in the menubar is clicked.

Character Size

Clicking the CHAR SIZE button in the main DCB brings up the character size DCB menu, shown here:

The sizes controlled by the buttons are:

Clicking DONE returns to the main DCB.

All types of character sizes may range from 0 to 5, except for DCB, which goes from 0 to 2.


Selecting the BRITE button in the main DCB brings up the brightness DCB menu, shown here:

The item brightness that the buttons control are:

  • DCB: the DCB itself.
  • MPA: maps in group "A" (generally, the primary video maps).
  • FDB: full data blocks, the cursor, and preview area.
  • POS: position symbols in radar tracks owned by the controller.
  • OTH: datablocks and position symbols for tracks owned by other controllers and ghost tracks.
  • RR: range rings.
  • BCN: beacon targets (not currently used).
  • HST: history circles behind track paths.
  • WXC: weather contrast; i.e., the stippled patterns.
  • BKC: background contrast.
  • MPB: maps in group "B" (generally, the secondary maps).
  • LST: system lists.
  • LDB: limited and partial datablocks and their position symbols.
  • TLS: STARS tools.
  • CMP: the compass rose at the edges of the STARS display
  • PRI: primary target symbols.
  • WX: weather.

Some of these brightnesses can be set to 0, in which case "OFF" is shown in the BRITE menu and the corresponding item isn't drawn at all. Others have a minimum required brightness.


The STARS RADAR configuration can be managed by clicking the SITE button in the main DCB, which also shows the current RADAR mode. STARS supports three RADAR modes:

  • SINGLE: RADAR data from a single RADAR site is used determine aircraft locations.
  • MULTI: multiple RADAR sites are used to determine aircraft locations, where (more or less), the closest site to each aircraft is used.
  • FUSED: RADAR data from multiple sites is combined with ADS-B data from aircraft to determine their locations.

SINGLE mode can be selected by clicking on a radar site in the SITE DCB sub-menu (here, NXX and PHL are available.) MULTI and FUSED are selected by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

Note that the choice of RADAR mode affects which symbols are used for tracks in STARS. Furthermore, in SINGLE and MULTI modes, radar tracks are only updated once every 5 seconds. In FUSION mode, they are updated once per second.


Audio alerts are played when there is a minimum safe altitude warning for an aircraft, if an aircraft is squawking a special purpose code (e.g., 7700 for an emergency), it a SPC has been manually assigned to an aircraft, or if there is a conflict alert between two aircraft. The "VOL" control in the main DCB can be used to control the volume of these alerts.

A few keyboard commands can be used to control audio:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]ZA Briefly plays the audio test sound.
[MULTIFUNC]ZEE Enables audio alerts when an invalid command is entered.
[MULTIFUNC]ZEI Inhibits audio alerts when an invalid command is entered.

vice also provides optional audio alerts for when there is an inbound handoff to the current controller and when an outbound handoff is accepted (though real-world STARS does not have these.) These alerts can be enabled and disabled under the "STARS" section of vice's settings menu.


Various details of the current STARS configuration like brightness settings, font sizes, and the layout of the system lists can be saved in a STARS preference set. The current preference set stores the preference settings that are currently active, and up to 32 additional named preference sets can be stored. vice stores separate preferences for each TRACON, which makes it easy to customize STARS's settings in different ways for different facilities.

Functionality for loading and saving preference sets can be accessed by clicking PREF on the main DCB menu, which brings up the PREF menu:

Here we can see that there are two saved preference sets, PHLN and FINAL, and that FINAL is active. Clicking on a saved preference set selects it and loads its settings. Preferences can be restored to their defaults by clicking on DEFAULT. Clicking RESTORE restores the preferences to what they were when the PREF button was clicked to bring up the PREF DCB menu. If a preference set is selected, then SAVE is enabled; clicking on it saves the current preference settings to the selected preference set. DELETE deletes the selected preference set.

A new preference set is created when SAVE AS is clicked: the preview area will prompt PREF SET NAME and the name for the preference set can be entered, followed by the ENTER key. Preference set names may be up to 7 alphanumeric characters and may not be a number between 1 and 32.

These keyboard commands are available for preference sets:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]K Resets the current preferences to the system defaults.
[PREF SET](##) /
Selects a preference set by number (1–32) or name.

Display Elements

In addition to radar tracks and their datablocks, the STARS display contains various system lists that display useful text information, video maps of the local control area, and, optionally, a weather radar showing precipitation. These are all described in this section.

System Lists

The system lists show various types of useful information in the form of text. Their font size can be adjusted using the "LISTS" control in the "CHAR SIZE" DCB menu and their brightness is set with "LST" in the "BRITE" DCB menu.

vice currently doesn't support two STARS system lists: the VFR List and the Coast/Suspend List; both will be added in the future when the aircraft simulation supports VFR and lost radar tracks. Otherwise, all of the system lists other than ones for CRDA and maps are documented in this section; see the CRDA documentation above for information about the CRDA system list and Video Maps for information about the maps system list.

System Status Area List

The System Status Area (SSA) list displays general information about the configuration of the STARS radar scope. Here is an example:

The red triangle indicates that STARS is functioning correctly; in vice it will always be there. The first line of text shows the current zulu time 03:07:27 and the altimeter at the primary airport for the current scenario, PHL. The following line shows the network status (always "OK/OK/NA" in vice) as well as the current radar mode, FUSED. Next is the current range shown from the scope's center, 17nm, and the length of predicted track lines (PTLs), 0.5 minutes. Next are the altitude filters, first for unassociated tracks and then for associated tracks (both in hundreds of feet.) The next few line again shows the altimeter at PHL and contains the altimeters at nearby airports in multi-airport scenarios.

A few lines are only shown when corresponding features are enabled. Here, "QL: 6S" indicates that TCP 6S has been quicklooked and "TW OFF: MSAW" indicates that MSAW has been disabled system-wide. Finally, we can see that CRDA has been enabled for the runway pair 27R/17, with the "S" indicating "stagger" mode.

The SSA list is always visible; a keyboard command is available to position it:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]S[SLEW] Places the upper-left corner of the SSA list at the selected location.

GI text: general information text... TODO

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]S Clear ATIS and first line
[MULTIFUNC]S(A) Set current ATIS where (A) is a letter from A to Z.
[MULTIFUNC]S(A)* Set current ATIS where (A) is a letter from A to Z and clear the first line of GI text
[MULTIFUNC]S(#) Clear corresponding line
[MULTIFUNC]S(#) (TEXT) Set the corresponding line of GI text to (TEXT)
[MULTIFUNC]S(A)(TEXT) Set the ATIS to (A) and the first line of GI text to (TEXT)

Which elements are displayed in the SSA list can be configured by selecting the "SSA FILTER" menu from the main DCB, which brings up the SSA DCB.

The buttons toggle display of the following elements:

  • TIME: current time in zulu
  • STATUS: system status; always "OK/OK/NA"
  • RADAR: radar mode: FUSED, MULTI, or SINGLE
  • SPC: whether to show an alert for any special purpose codes currently being squawked by aircraft (e.g., "RF" for an aircraft squawking 7600 due to a radio failure.)
  • RANGE: radar range
  • ALT FIL: altitude filters
  • AIRPORT: altimeter at nearby airports
  • QL: quick looked sectors
  • CRDA: active CRDA runway pairs
  • WX: available and displayed weather precipitation levels
  • ALTSTG: show altimeter at primary airport
  • CODES: show selected beacon codes
  • PTL: length of predicted track lines
  • WX HIST: weather history snapshot currently being displayed
  • TW OFF: disabled system features (e.g., CA, MSAW)

Flight Plan List

The flight plan list shows untracked aircraft that have departed an airport that you are responsible for. Once they are tracked, they are automatically removed from the list. Here is an example:

In addition to the aircraft's callsign (middle column) and assigned beacon code (right column), the left column shows a tab number that is associated with the

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]T Toggles whether the the flight plan list is visible.
[MULTIFUNC]T[SLEW] Places the upper left corner of the flight plan list at the slewed point.
[MULTIFUNC]T(##) Sets how the maximum number of lines of text displayed in the flight plan list. If not currently visible, the flight plan list is made visible if the number of visible lines is set.

Tower List

The tower list shows arrivals at an airport. Up to three tower lists can be displayed; each show arriving aircraft sorted by their distance to the airport. The assignment of airports to tower lists is done by the facility engineer in the scenario specification and can't be changed while vice is running. Here is an example, showing a few arrivals to PHL:

The following commands can be used to configure the tower lists. For all of them the first number gives the tower list index and must be 1, 2, or 3.

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]TP(#) Toggles whether the corresponding tower list is shown.
[MULTIFUNC]TP(#)[SLEW] Places the upper left corner of the given tower list at the slewed point.
[MULTIFUNC]TP(#)(##) Sets how the maximum number of lines of text displayed in the specified tower list. The first number corresponds to the tower list index.

Alert List

The Alert List shows the aircraft that currently have altitudes below the minimum vectoring altitude at their present position (LA) or have collision alerts (CA). Below we see that JZA868 is too low (and is currently at 600 feet altitude) and that separation has been lost between JIA1524 and NKS9096.

la/ca system list

The maximum number of lines in the alert list is hard-coded to 50 and it is not possible to hide the alert list. However, its position in the STARS window can be set using the following command:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]TM[SLEW] Sets the position of the alert list on the STARS scope.

MCI Suppression List

If specific MCI alerts have been suppressed, the corresponding pairs of callsigns and beacon codes are listed in the MCI suppression list. Commands are available to control whether it is displayed and where it is placed on the screen.

Command Function
[MULTITUNC]TQ Toggle display of the MCI suppression list.
[MULTITUNC]TQ[SLEW] Place the MCI suppression list at the selected location on the screen. The list is also displayed if it has previously been hidden.

Coordination Lists

Coordination lists are used for tower and departure controllers to coordinate aircraft releases. When there is a departure ready to be released from an airport the controller is responsible for, it is added to the coordination list by the tower controller. After the departure controller releases an aircraft, it will depart within the next few minutes. Here is an example coordination list:

Aircraft that are awaiting release flash, as DPJ7156 is here. Released aircraft are no longer flashing and have a plus sign after their tab list number (here, 0 and 2 for EJA5253 and LXJ13, respectively.) The coordination list also includes the aircraft type, the aircraft's assigned squawk code, its exit, and its requested final altitude.

These keyboard commands are used to manage coordination lists and releases:

Command Function
[F13] If there is a single unreleased aircraft in the controller's coordination lists, release that aircraft.
[F13](ACID) For an unreleased aircraft, release the specified aircraft; if the aircraft has been released, then remove it from the coordination list. Aircraft may be specified by their callsign, beacon code, or their list number (the first column).
[F13]P(ID) A* Enable automatic releases for the specified coordination list. Note that automatic releases only apply to new aircraft; aircraft already in the list waiting to be released still must be released manually. "AUTO" will appear in the header line of the coordination list when automatic releases are enabled.
[F13]P(ID) M* Disable automatic releases for the specified coordination list.
[MULTIFUNC]P(ID)[SLEW] Specifies the position of the given coordination list in the STARS window.
[MULTIFUNC]P(ID) (##) Specifies the number of lines to display in the given coordination list.
[F13]T Toggles whether empty coordination lists are displayed.
[F13]TE Enables the display of empty coordination lists.
[F13]TI Disables the display of empty coordination lists.

Coordination list identifiers ((ID) in the above commands) are one to three alphanumeric characters. They can be found in the scenario information window, accessed by clicking the button in the menubar. Here we can see that the "REPUBLIC" coordination list has id "A".

Sign On List

The sign-on list shows the TCP covered by the current controller as well as the time they signed on (in Zulu time).

It can be configured using these commands:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]TM Toggles whether the sign on list is shown.
[MULTIFUNC]TM[SLEW] Sets the position of the sign on list on the STARS scope.

Video Maps

One or more video maps may be displayed in the STARS window to show items like airports and runways, approaches, important fixes, and geographical features like bridges. There are default video maps specified for each control position and controllers may add an remove maps depending on circumstances.

The main DCB includes a MAPS button, which displays the DCB MAPS menu, and six buttons to toggle the display of six video maps; here are six from a KJFK scenario:

The button for map number 849, CLASS_B, is depressed, indicating that the corresponding map (which shows the class B airspace) is currently visible. The other maps are not currently displayed. Clicking on map's button toggles whether it is visible.

Here is the MAPS DCB menu for that same scenario:

The map labeled 4L_R which has number 201, is currently visible, though none of the others are. Each map is in one of two map groups—A or B; the brightness of the groups is controlled by MPA and MPB in the BRITE DCB menu. Unfortunately, STARS doesn't directly show which group a particular map is in.

The other buttons in the MAPS DCB do the following:

  • DONE: returns to the main menu.
  • CLR ALL: deselects all video maps.
  • GEO MAPS: toggles display of the maps system list and shows the available video maps in it.
  • SYS PROC: toggles display of the maps system list and shows maps related to STARS system operation (e.g., CRDA regions, ATPA volumes, RADAR site ranges, etc.) in it.
  • CURRENT: toggles display of the maps system list and shows the currently displayed maps in it.

Depending on which maps have been included, there may be buttons for the following map categories; when pressed, they cause the corresponding type of available maps to be shown in the maps system list: AIRPORT, CONTROL, DANGER AREAS, GENERAL AV, GEO POINTS, MIL, RUNWAYS, and SID STAR.

Here is the maps system list for that same KJFK scenario. For each map, we have the map number, the map label (as shown in the DCB), and a longer name describing the map's contents. Maps that are currently displayed have > symbols next to them.

The following keyboard commands can be used to manage video maps.

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]TX Toggles whether the maps list is shown.
[MULTIFUNC]TX(###) Sets the number of lines of text in the video maps list.
[MULTIFUNC]TX[SLEW] Sets the position of the maps list on the STARS scope.
[MAPS](###) Toggles display of the video map with the given map number.
[MAPS](###)E Displays the video map with the given map number.
[MAPS](###)I Stops displaying the video map with the given map number.
[MAPS]A Removes all video maps.


The current weather radar that shows precipitation can be displayed on the STARS scope. Here is an example North of KORD during some summer thunderstorms. The blue-green areas indicate light precipitation, while the mustard-colored area is moderate to heavy precipitation. Stippling in the radar also indicates the strength, where a denser stipple is heavier precipitation.

AWI8111 would be well-advised to turn a few degrees to the right.

The brightness of the weather on the STARS scope can be controlled using the "WX" spinner in the BRITE menu of the DCB and the brightness of the stipple is controlled using the "WXC" BRITE control. It is also possible to control which levels of precipitation are shown using the "WX*" buttons in the main DCB. When precipitation of a given level is available to be displayed, "AVL" is shown in the button and the button has a blue-grey color. When there is no precipitation at a level, the corresponding button has the regular green color.

With the selection above, the three lowest levels, WX1 and WX2 are not shown, while all of the higher levels of precipitation are.

If the WX button in the SSA list is enabled, the currently available WX levels and whether they are displayed is shown in the SSA list. In the example below, there is precipitation at levels 1–5, though not 6. Levels 3, 4, and 5 are shown in the STARS window:

A few keyboard commands related to weather are available:

Command Function
[MULTIFUNC]W∆ Display weather history: the precipitation shown two weather cycles ago is shown for 5 seconds, then the precipitation from the previous cycle is shown for 5 seconds. (Weather is updated every 5 minutes, so this shows the last 10 minutes of weather radar.) While the history is drawn, "IN PROGRESS" is shown in the preview area. If WX HIST is enabled in the SSA list, then "WX HIST:" and the history index is shown there.
[WX]C Clear weather display: don't show any levels of weather radar in the STARS window.
[WX](#) If # is between 1 and 6, toggle display of the associated weather radar level.
[WX](#)E If # is between 1 and 6, enable display of the associated weather radar level.
[WX](#)I If # is between 1 and 6, disable (inhibit) display of the associated weather radar level.

Facility Engineering

All of the configuration of vice is via JSON-formatted files. Extending vice to include more airports or additional scenarios is a matter of generating additional JSON that provides the necessary information.

In the following, the use of terms like "element", "object", "member", "array", etc., correspond to their use in the JSON specification. See this page for reference.

See the resources/scenarios/ directory in the vice source code for the scenarios that are currently available and the resources/videomaps/ directory for the video map definitions. Files in those directories with names ending with a "zst" suffix have been compressed using zstandard; in order to examine their contents, you'll want to install zstandard or another decompression program that supports that format.

When developing scenarios, you might make a copy of an existing scenario's JSON file and modify it in order to add more configurations, or you or might specify completely new scenario and video map files if you're working on support for a new TRACON. While you're doing this you can point vice at the file you're working on using the command-line: if you open a command prompt and run vice from the command line, there are two options make it possible to specify additional files for testing:

  • The -scenario command line option takes a single filename. The scenario specified file is loaded at startup time; if it has the same name as an existing scenario, it replaces that scenario's definition.
  • In a similar manner, the -videomap command line option also takes a single filename that specifies a file with video map definitions.

When you're working on a new scenario, you may omit the "video_map_file" specifier in its JSON file. In this case, vice will automatically use the video map file you specified via -videomap or via the UI.

If you're working on multi-controller support for a scenario, you may want to run a vice server locally to debug it. A few command-line options are useful:

  • -runserver launches a vice server on your local system
  • -server specifies the IP address and (optionally), the port of a vice server to connect to. Specifying localhost will connect to a local server launched via -runserver.
  • -port allows specifying a custom port number for the server to listen to. If this is used, then the address supplied to -server should be of the form hostname:port.

Facility Enginerring FAQ

Question Answer
How do I get started? To get started creating a facility configuration file for vice, read through the documentation provided below. It will contain all of the information that will need to be specified in the facility configuration file. You can also refer to the vice GitHub page for pre-exisiting scenarios
How do I test my edits? In vice, you can test your edits with the command line. On Windows, open up a command prompt and set the directory to the folder with the vice executable. Then, run vice.exe -scenario path_to_scenario_file -videomap path_to_videomap_file. On MacOs, it's a very simillar command. Chnage the directory of the terminal to where Vice.app is located. Then, run ./Vice.app/Contents/MacOs/vice -scenario path_to_scenario_file -videomap path_to_videomap_file
How can I submit one of my scenarios? To submit one of your files, you can:
  1. Make a pull request or file an issue in the vice GitHub Page
  2. Join the vice Discord and send the file to one of the vice developers or facility engineers
How can I get the lat/long coordinates of a point on a map? Pressing [Control][Shift] and clicking a point on the map will copy the coordinates of where you clicked into the clipboard. Alternatively, you can enter .DRAWROUTE[Enter] in STARS and click a series of points. All of the points in the route will be copied to the clipboard. If you make a mistake, pressing [Backspace] will delete the last point in the route. Press [Escape] to exit this mode.

Specifying Locations

Throughout the vice configuration files, it's often necessary to specify various locations on the Earth. vice has a built-in database of all of the airports, VORs, NDBs, and fixes in the United States (courtesy of the FAA), which allows using these directly for specifying locations. The locations of runway thresholds are available via the syntax KJFK-22L where the airport name and runway specifier are separated by a hyphen.

Locations can also be specified via latitude-longitude positions, given as strings. For convenience, multiple latitude-longitude formats are supported.

Encoding Description Example
Name of VOR/NDB/fix A string giving the name of an airport, VOR, NDB, or fix in the United States. "JFK"
Decimal value pair A pair of decimal numbers where the first specifies the longitude and the second specifies the latitude. "40.6328888,-73.771385"
Degrees, minutes, seconds A pair of values with position specified in degrees, minutes, and seconds, separated by periods. "N" and "S" are used to distinguish North and South latitudes and similarly for "E" and "W" with longitudes. "N40.37.58.400,W073.46.17.000"
ISO6790 Annex H A more compact degrees/minutes/seconds representation; see the Wikipedia page for details. "+403758.400-0734617.000"

(In all three examples above, the location specified is the same—the JFK VOR.)

In vice, if you hold down the control and shift keys and click on a point on the video map, the corresponding latitude-longitude position is copied to the clipboard—this can be very useful when developing new scenarios!


When an aircraft's route is given, vice allows airways to be used to describe the route, which simplifies the route specification when an aircraft is in fact flying along an airway. Airways are given as part of the route; for example "WHITE V1 DPK" has the aircraft join V1 departing WHITE and follow V1 until DPK. (The alternative, "WHITE DIXIE MOVFA JFK DPK", is more typing and more error-prone to enter.)

vice uses a custom syntax for specifying the routes of aircraft that allows giving additional information that is used in the simulation. In addition to the lateral positions along the route, it is possibly to specify speed and altitude restrictions, handoff points, and headings to fly.

Here is an example route from a JFK departure. The first two waypoints along the departure runway are automatically provided by vice so the route starts with the specified fixes in the departure procedure. The "/h223" after "RNGRR" specifies that the aircraft should fly a 223 heading as departing RNGRR. It will maintain that heading until it is further vectored by the controller. If there are further fixes after such a heading, the aircraft may be sent direct to one of those fixes by the controller.


A variety of such things can be specified along with a waypoint:

  • /arestriction: for IFR routes, cross the fix with the specified altitude restriction (with altitudes specified in 100s of feet). For VFR, aircraft will be at a random altitude within a given altitude range. The following options are available for specifying altitude restrictions:
    • low-high: cross at an altitude between low and high.
    • alt-: cross at or below alt.
    • alt+: cross at or above alt.
    • alt: cross at alt.
  • /delete: the aircraft will be deleted when it reaches the fix
  • /hheading: depart the fix at specified heading
  • /iaf: indicates that the fix is an IAF (initial approach fix)
  • /if: indicates that the fix is the IF (intermediate fix)
  • /faf: indicates that the fix is the FAF (final approach fix). This must be specified for one fix in each approach.
  • /flyover: indicates that the fix is a flyover fix (as opposed to the default, fly-by). Aircraft must pass directly over flyover fixes before turning to the next fix, while they may turn early with fly-by fixes.
  • /sspeed: cross the fix at the given speed
(This is intended for ambient traffic that's not under the control for a human.)
  • /clearapp: the aircraft will be cleared for the assigned approach passing the fix.
  • /spspscratchpad: sets the aircraft's primary scratchpad to the given value.
  • /ssspscratchpad: sets the aircraft's secondary scratchpad to the given value.
  • /ho: the aircraft should be handed off from the virtual controller departs the fix. A TCP id may be specified after /ho, in which case the aircraft is handed off to the corresponding virtual controller. If no TCP id is specified, the aircraft is handed off to the appropriate human controller.
  • /poTCP id: when the aircraft passes the waypoint and if it is under the control of a virtual controller, issue a point out to the controller identified by the given TCP id (i.e., the controller ID that would be used when doing a point out in STARS.)
  • /cpsp: clears the aircraft's primary scratchpad
  • /cssp: clears the aircraft's secondary scratchpad

There are also some specifiers that can be used with VFR aircraft routes:

  • /airwork: the aircraft should perform airwork centered around the fix. An altitude restriction must be specified using /a to give an altitude range for the airwork. By default, they will do so for 15 minutes and remain within 7nm of the fix; alternatively, the time or distance may be specified via /airworkradiusnm and/or /airworkminutesm. For example: /airwork30m10nm specifies 30 minutes of airwork within a 10nm radius of the fix.
  • /radiusnum: rather than flying precisely to the waypoint, the aircraft will fly to a random point within num miles of the waypoint.

If the aircraft should follow an arc leaving a fix, /arc can be given after the fix. It can be used in two ways:

  • Both a radius in nautical miles as well as the fix at the center of the arc's circle can be specified. For example, HANAV/arc16OMN specifies a 16nm radius arc centered at OMN.
  • Alternatively, just the length of the arc may be given. For example, WUPMA/arc7.5 ALABE has aircraft fly along the 7.5nm long arc between WUPMA and ALABE.

For both uses, the direction of the arc is automatically determined based on the position of the following fix.

For approach fixes that have procedure turns, a number of additional items can be specified:

  • /hilpt: there is a hold in lieu of procedure turn (i.e., a racetrack procedure turn) associated with the fix. The default is right turns and a 1 minute limit for ILS/VOR/LOC approaches and a 4 nm limit for RNAV approaches. Different limits can be specified directly; for example /hilpt6nm gives a procedure turn with a 6 nm limit and /hilpt2min specifies a 2 minute limit. For left turns, add a l after the slash, like /lhilpt.
  • /pt45: specifies that there is a standard 45 degree procedure turn at the fix. (This has the same defaults— right turns, 1 minute (ILS/VOR/LOC) / 4 nm (RNAV)—as HILPTs. Alternative values are specified the same way.)
  • /ptaaltitude: if the aircraft should descend during the procedure turn, this can be used to specify the final altitude it should have at the end of the turn. (The altitude should be given in 100s of feet.)
  • /nopt180: specifies that aircraft approaching the fix in the 180 degree semicircle of directions aligned with the final approach course should not perform the procedure turn. (As an example, see the KJAX RNAV Z 8 approach; this applies for aircraft between heading 346 and 166 arriving at UDAQI.)
  • /nopt: when specified at a fix prior to one with a procedure turn, indicates that aircraft that pass that fix should not fly the procedure turn.

Airlines and Aircraft

Departures, arrivals, and overflights all need to know about which airlines fly their routes and which aircraft they use for them. Airlines are specified via objects with the following members: for the database of possible airlines. In that file, each airline may have one or more aircraft fleets specified, in its "fleets" member.

Element Type Description
"icao" String The ICAO code of the airline (which must be present in vice's openscope-airlines.json file.)
"fleet" String (Optional) If specified, gives the fleet of the airline's aircraft that are used for this overflight.
"types" Array of strings (Optional) If specified, gives one or more aircraft types to use. It is not allowed to specify both "fleet" and "types".

If neither "fleet" nor "types" is specified, vice randomly chooses an aircraft type from the "default" fleet, but if a particular fleet's aircraft is a better match to a route, you may want to use it or to specify aircraft types directly. For example, AAL's "long" fleet would be a good choice for trans-Atlantic flights.

For reference, the available types of aircraft and their performance characteristics are available in the openscope-aircraft.json file.

As is probably obvious, both of these databases are by way of openScope, which kindly made them available under the MIT license.

Scenario Groups

vice offers users a variety of ATC scenarios, where a scenario consists of one or more airports being controlled, a control position (departure, approach, etc.), and airport configurations—the runways that are active at each airport. Scenarios are organized in scenario groups, which generally collect multiple control scenarios at a single airport. Each scenario group is specified by its own JSON file; see the resources/scenarios/ directory in the vice source code distribution for examples.

These are the elements of a scenario group:

Element Type Description
"airports" Object Defines all of the airports that are included in the scenarios. See the airports section for details.
"airspace" Object Defines the extent of controllers' airspace; see airspace for details.
"inbound_flows" Object Defines the routes for arrivals and overflights; see Arrivals and Overflights.
"control_positions" Object

Information about all of the controllers that are used in the scenarios in the group. Each member specifies a controller with the corresponding callsign. For each controller, the following members should be specified:

  • "eram_facility": (Optional) indicates whether the controller is using an ERAM scope (i.e., is a center controller).
  • "facility_id": (Optional) a single character giving the controller's facility. This should only be specified for controllers outside of the TRACON.
  • "full_name": the name of the control position, used in radio readbacks (e.g., "Philadelphia approach")
  • "frequency": the controller's radio frequency, expressed as an integer (e.g., 125325 for 125.325)
  • "scope_char": (Optional) a string giving a single character to for the STARS position symbol for tracks owned by this position (e.g., "C"). If unset, the position symbol is generated automatically by:
    • For local positions, the last character of the TCP id: "4P" gets "P", for example.
    • For positions at external facilities, the numeric "facility_id".
    • For enroute controllers (where "eram_facility" is true), the first character of their "sector_id": "N56" gets "N" by default.
    An error is issued if the given "scope_char" is the same as vice would have automatically selected.
  • "sector_id": the controller's sector id, as used for handoffs, etc. (e.g., "N56")

One additional member may be required.

  • "default_airport": when CRDA is used, each controller must have a default airport specified for CRDA commands.
"default_scenario" String A default to use for the initial scenario when the scenario group is chosen. Must match one of the members in "scenarios".
"fixes" Object

Each member associates a name with a latitude-longitude location. These names can be used when specifying routes for departures and arrivals. (Note that they cannot be used when specifying other locations in the scenario group configuration.) For example, this associates a useful name with the point at the end of runway 22R at JFK: "_JFK_22R": "N040.39.00.362,W073.45.49.053".

Fixes may be specified in relation to previously-specified fixes (or standard fixes from the FAA database) using the syntax FIX@HDG/DIST, where FIX is the name of a fix, HDG is a heading leaving it, and DIST is a distance along that heading given in nautical miles.

"magnetic_adjustment" Number Number of degrees to add to the magnetic variation computed using the built-in magnetic model. (Sometimes when video maps are a few years old, they may be out of sync with the actual magnetic variation.)
"name" String The name for the scenario group. This name cannot be the same as the name for any of the other scenario groups.
"primary_airport" String The main airport for the scenario. This is used to determine which airport's altimeter and winds to include at the top of the SSA list in the STARS radar scope.
"reporting_points" Array of strings Each entry specifies a fix that aircraft may use at initial contact when reporting their position ("AAL411, 5 miles Northeast of LENDY...").
"scenarios" Object This defines all of the ATC scenarios that are available in the scenario group. See the scenarios section for details.
"stars_config" Object Defines settings and configurations related to the STARS radar scope. See STARS and Video Maps for documentation about the items stored in this object.
"tracon" String Name of the ATCT/TRACON that the scenario group is associated with. This is used to show all scenarios for a given ATCT/TRACON together in the UI.


The airports in a scenario group are specified via the "airports" member of the scenario group. Each airports is a separate member, named according to the airport's ICAO code (e.g., "KJFK"). The airport object then has the following member variables:

Element Type Description
"approaches" Object

Defines all of the approaches to the airport that may be used by aircraft. See below for documentation about how approaches are specified.

"approach_regions" Object

Each member name specifies information about the region of space associated with a runway when CRDA is used and it is one of the converging runways. First, the following members specify the lateral extent that an aircraft must be inside for a ghost aircraft to be generated for it:

  • "reference_point": position with respect to which the lateral and vertical extents are defined. (Often, the threshold of the runway.)
  • "reference_heading": heading that is opposite to the runway heading.
  • "reference_length": length in nm of the reference line.
  • "heading_tolerance": maximum difference between an aircraft's heading and the runway's heading for a ghost aircraft to be displayed.
  • "near_distance": distance from the reference point along the reference heading where the lateral volume begins.
  • "near_half_width": half of the width of the reference volume at the near distance.
  • "region_length": length of the lateral volume along the reference heading, starting from the near distance point.
  • "far_half_width": half of the width of the reference volume at the far distance.

These members specify the vertical extent that an aircraft must be inside to have a ghost aircraft:

  • "descent_distance": distance from the reference point in nm where aircraft are expected to start its final descent.
  • "reference_altitude": altitude of the reference point.
  • "descent_altitude": expected aircraft altitude when it's at the descent distance.
  • "above_altitude_tolerance": maximum distance in feet an aircraft may be above its expected altitude and still have a ghost be drawn for it.
  • "below_altitude_tolerance": maximum distance in feet an aircraft may be below its expected altitude and still have a ghost be drawn for it.
"atpa_volumes" Object Each member is a string with a runway name and an associated object that specifies the region of space where the STARS automated terminal proximity alert (ATPA) feature is active for the runway. (If not specified, a default volume is generated along the runway's extended centerline.) The following members define the region of space:
  • "id": an optional string naming the volume. If not specified, the runway is used.
  • "runway_threshold": position of the runway threshold or point at which should be used for the start of the volume.
  • "heading": runway heading or orientation of the volume.
  • "max_heading_deviation": maximum deviation between an aircraft's heading and the ATPA volume heading allowed for an aircraft to be included in ATPA.
  • "floor": bottom altitude of the volume, in feet.
  • "ceiling": top altitude of the volume, in feet.
  • "length": length of the volume, from "runway_threshold" in direction "heading", given in nautical miles.
  • "left_width": width the volume extends to the left of the extended centerline, where "left" is with respect to an aircraft flying the approach.
  • "right_width": width the volume extends to the right of the extended centerline.
  • "filtered_scratchpads": aircraft scratchpads that do not receive ATPA warnings/alerts but that do still participate in ATPA calculations for other aircraft. (Thus, this should include for example aircraft cleared for visual approaches that should not themselves receive alerts but where other non-visual aircraft must still be separated from them.)
  • "excluded_scratchpads": aircraft scratchpads that do not participate at all in ATPA for this runway. This should include scratchpads of aircraft arriving on parallel runways, for example.
  • "enable_2.5nm": a Boolean value that indicates whether reduced 2.5nm separation is allowed on final approach.
  • "2.5nm_distance": distance from runway threshold at which 2.5nm separation is allowed, if "enamble_2.5nm" is true.
"converging_runways" Array of objects Each object specifies a pair of converging runways that will be included in the STARS CRDA list. Each object has the following members:
  • "runways": array of two strings referencing two runways specified in "approach_regions".
  • "leader_directions": array of two strings specifying the compass direction ("N", "NE", "E", ...) that will be used for leader lines for ghost aircraft from the two respective runways.
  • "tie_symbol": A single-character string giving the symbol to use on the STARS display for ghost aircraft when CRDA "tie" mode is used.
  • "stagger_symbol": A single-character string giving the symbol to use on the STARS display for ghost aircraft when CRDA "stagger" mode is used.
  • "tie_offset": number giving an offset in nautical miles to add to ghost aircraft's distance from the airport when "tie" mode is used.
"departure_routes" Object Each member is an object that defines routes for the specified a departure runway. These routes are followed by aircraft departing that runway, organized by exit fix. See below for documentation of the per-runway departure route object.
"departures" Array of objects Each object in the array defines a departure to a destination, including one or more airlines that fly that departure, the type of aircraft flown, and information about the aircraft's path. See below for details of the departure object.
"departure_controller" String If specified, gives the virtual controller initially controlling the aircraft.
"exit_categories" Object Each member corresponds to a fix used as an exit for departures in the scenario group and allows associating a string category name with each exit. (These categories are used so that users can control the mix of exits used in a scenario.) Example: "ARD": "Southwest"
"hold_for_release" Boolean (Optional) If true, departures from the airport must be released by a controller. If the airport is listed in "coordination_lists" in "stars_config", then the release will be managed using STARS coordination lists; otherwise it will appear in the Launch Control window.
"name" String (Optional) The name of the airport.
"omit_arrival_scratchpad" Boolean (Optional) If true, the arrival airport is not shown alternating with the altitude in full datablocks when the scratchpad is unset.
"tower_list" Number Gives the airport's priority for tower list assignments. 1 is the highest priority, then 2, etc. If "tower_list" is unspecified, the airport has the lowest priority. The 3 tower lists in the STARS scope are then assigned using this priority, with ties broken by airport name sorted alphabetically.
"vfr" Object Allows specifying VFR departures from the airport. See VFR Aircraft for details about the members of this object and for further discussion of VFR in Vice.)
"departure_runways_as_one" array of strings Each string contains a comma-separated list of runways that should be treated as a single unit for departure sequencing purposes. When an aircraft departs from any runway in a group, the last departure time is updated for all runways in that group. This is particularly useful for maintaining separation between departures from parallel runways.


The member names in the airport "approaches" object give the abbreviated name of each approach, as used in vice's ATC commands.

Approaches may be specified using data automatically loaded from the FAA CIFP or manually. To use CIFP data, run vice from the command-line and give it the argument -route KXYZ, where KXYZ is the ICAO code for the airport. vice will print identifiers for the available approaches and their associated waypoints. For example:

  > ..\vice.exe -routes KMIA
  I12  : DHP GLRIA/a3000+/lhilpt1.0min/pta3000/iaf PIANA/a3000+ VEPCO/a2000+
  RY12 : WORPP/iaf GLRIA/a3000/if PIANA/a3000+ VEPCO/a2000+
         FOGSO/s210/iaf GLRIA/a3000/if PIANA/a3000+ VEPCO/a2000+

Approach ids encode the type of approach—for example, I12 is an ILS approach to runway 27 and RY12 is an RNAV Y runway 12 approach. Given the id, the approach can be specified with:

Element Type Description
"cifp_id" String A string giving the identifier of the approach in the CIFP (e.g., "RZ14"). When this is specified, the full name of the approach and the corresponding runway are determined automatically from the string.
"tower_controller" Optional string The name of the tower controller covering the approach. If an airport has a single tower controller named "(airport)_TWR", then this doesn't need to be specified.

Support for loading routes from the CIFP is new so please confirm that routes are correct and report any bugs you find. Note that not all approaches are included in the CIFP.

Alternatively, approaches can be defined manually using the following members:

Element Type Description
"full_name" String (Optional) A string giving the full name of the approach (e.g., "RNAV Z Runway 13L"). If not specified and the approach is not a visual approach, the approach's name is generated automatically using "runway" and "type".
"runway" String A string describing the runway the approach ends at (e.g., "13L"). Note that single-digit runways should not be specified with a leading 0 (i.e., "1L, not "01L".)
"tower_controller" String (Optional) The name of the tower controller covering the approach. If an airport has a single tower controller named "(airport)_TWR", then this doesn't need to be specified.
"type" String The type of the approach; it must be "ILS", "Localizer", "RNAV", "Visual", or "VOR".
"waypoints" Array of strings Each given string specifies an approach route. Multiple strings can be provided for "waypoints" for approaches with multiple IAFs (e.g. an RNAV "T" configuration). vice automatically adds a final waypoint at the arrival runway threshold; aircraft are deleted from the simulation when they reach that point.


There are two pieces for specifying departures: their initial route leaving the airport, which depends on the active departure runway, and their subsequent route out of the TRACON, which does not. These two parts are specified separately.

The "departure_routes" object in the airport definition gives the initial routing for departures, based both on the runway they are departing as well as their exit fix. Here is an excerpt from the KJFK departure routes:

  "departure_routes": {
    "13R": {
        "cleared_altitude": 5000,
        "sid": "JFK5",
        "waypoints": "KJFK-31L/h185"

The members of "departure_routes" are strings identifying the departure runway; each departure runway's routes are then represented by an object with one or more members that specify comma-separated lists of exit fixes. (Thus, the specification above applies to departures with exit ARD, DIXIE, RBV, or WHITE, departing runway 13R.)

The exit fix specifiers may include additional text after a period to allow specifying situation-dependent exits. For example, we might specify one route for "RBV.PISTONS", another for "RBV.TURBOPROPS", and a third for "RBV.JETS". vice treats all of these as going to the "RBV" exit. When departures are defined in "departures", they can then refer to the appropriate exit in their "exit" specifier.

The departure route specification includes the following members:

Element Type Description
"assigned_altitude" Number The initial altitude that aircraft climb to. Aircraft given "assigned_altitude" do not obey any altitude restrictions in the departure route. (This option is mostly useful for hybrid SIDs that start with radar vectors and later have a pilot nav component; aircraft will not climb beyond this altitude until the "climb via SID" instruction is given to them.)
"cleared_altitude" Number the initial altitude that aircraft are cleared to. Aircraft given "cleared_altitude" are implicitly given "climb via SID": they will obey altitude restrictions in the departure route and climb no higher than the altitude given.
"speed_restriction" Number (Optional) If present, gives a speed restriction in knots which aircraft will maintain until told otherwise by the controller.
"description" String (Optional) A description that is shown in the UI for choosing routes to draw on the radar scope.
"handoff_controller" String (Optional) A string indicating which controller should receive the handoff if one of the fixes in the route has the /ho qualifier for a handoff. This is useful if a virtual controller has initial control, e.g., for a departure from a nearby airport.
"sid" String (Optional) A string naming the SID that the aircraft is flying.
"waypoints" String The initial series of waypoints that the aircraft follows. vice automatically sets the route's first waypoints to be the specified runway's threshold and then a point 3/4 of the way down the runway. The waypoints in "waypoints" are then appended to those. Therefore, for the example above, the aircraft continues to the end of the runway and then flies the heading 185.

Either "assigned_altitude" or "cleared_altitude" must be specified.

The other part of specifying departures is the array of objects stored in "departures". Each one describes a departure to a particular destination. Here is a JFK departure to Paris Charles de Gaulle:

      "airlines": [
          "fleet": "long",
          "icao": "AFR"
      "destination": "LPFG",
      "exit": "HAPIE",
      "scratchpad": "HAP",

A few additional things must be specified with each departure:

Element Type Description
"airlines" Array of objects Each object specifies an airline and the types of aircraft it flies on the route. See Airlines and Aircraft for the form of the airline objects.
"destination" String The ICAO airport code for the destination. This is only used in flight strips and for the aircraft's datablock on the radar scope; it does not affect its routing.
"exit" String The exit fix for the departure. In conjunction with the departure runway, this is used to determine the aircraft's route leaving the airport using "departure_routes".
"route" String The aircraft's route to the destination. This is mostly used so that flight strips have plausible routes, though vice does its best to have the aircraft follow the given route after it reaches the exit fix.
"scratchpad" Optional String If specified, this gives the aircraft's initial scratchpad. Otherwise, the scratchpad is set based on the exit, either using the "scratchpads" dictionary in the scenario definition or via "display_exit_gate" or "display_alternate_exit_gate" in "stars_config".
"secondary_scratchpad" Optional String If specified, this gives the aircraft's initial secondary scratchpad.

It is optional to specify the final altitude for departures.

Element Type Description
"altitude" Number or array of numbers (Optional) The final altitude for the flight. If multiple altitudes are given, one is chosen at random. If none are chosen, a reasonable final altitude is chosen based on the distance between the departure and arrival airports and the aircraft's capabilities.

Arrivals and Overflights

Note: until recently, overflights were not supported and arrivals were specified using the "arrival_groups" variable, which is no longer available.

Arrivals and overflights are specified via the "inbound_flows" variable, which allows specifying the ways that aircraft from adjacent facilities enter the TRACON. "inbound_flows" has two members, "arrivals" and "overflights", each of which is an array of arrival and overflight specifiers, respectively.

vice allows specifying multiple arrival and overflight procedures together so that it can sequence them as a group. Thus, if an overflight route corresponds to a STAR, at least at the beginning, both should be specified together in the same "inbound_flow". Similarly, if multiple STARs have the same initial route, they should be together as well.


Each object stored in the "arrivals" array corresponds to a STAR. These objects have the following members:

Element Type Description
"airlines" Object Destination airports and airlines for the arrivals. These objects include both the members "icao", "fleet", and "types" members of the airline object documented in Airlines and Aircraft as well as some additional fields. See the example below.
"assigned_altitude" Number (Optional) If specified, the aircraft will be descending to the given altitude which it will then maintain until given further directions. If the aircraft should be descending via a STAR that includes altitude restrictions, leave this unspecified.
"cruise_altitude" Number The aircraft's final cruise altitude. (This is only used in the aircraft's flight strip.) If unspecified, vice tries to choose a reasonable cruise altitude based on the distance and direction of flight.
"description" String (Optional) If provided, this string is shown in the UI for drawing approaches on the radar scope to give further information about what the route is used for.
"expect_approach" String or Object (Optional) This makes it possible to specify an approach that the aircraft has already been told to expect by a previous controller. (And so, it is not necessary to issue an "expect approach" command before clearing an aircraft for an approach.). A single string identifying the approach may be given if the STAR only serves one airport. Otherwise, a dictionary from airport names to approaches may be provided—for example, "expect_approach": { "KFLL": "I0L", "KOPF": "I12" }. This setting is especially useful in "finals" scenarios.
"initial_altitude" Number The aircraft's altitude when first spawned.
"initial_controller" String The callsign of the controller who is initially tracking the aircraft.
"initial_speed" Number The aircraft's initial speed when first spawned.
"route" String (Optional) The aircraft's remaining route. (This is only used for displaying the aircraft's flight plan, e.g. in flight strips.)
"scratchpad" String (Optional) If provided, the aircraft's scratchpad is set to this value.
"secondary_scratchpad" String (Optional) If provided, the aircraft's secondary scratchpad is set to this value.
"speed_restriction" Number If present, gives a speed restriction in knots
"star" (Optional) String Name of the STAR that the aircraft is flying.

STARs are sometimes able to deliver aircraft to multiple airports. Therefore, the "airlines" member is an object with airport names as members. Each of the airports is associated with an array of objects that specify departure airports, airlines, and (optionally) airline fleets. Here is an excerpt from the CAMRN4 arrival group at KJFK:

  "airlines": {
    "KFRG": [
        "airport": "KDCA",
        "icao": "EJA"
    "KJFK": [
        "airport": "MMMY",
        "fleet": "long",
        "icao": "AMX"

We can see that CAMRN4 applies to both the KFRG and KJFK airports, though with different airlines and different departure airports for the arrivals. The specified departure airports (here, KDCA and MMMY) are only used so that flight strips and data blocks on the scope are realistic, but the specified airlines are used to select the type of aircraft from their fleets. As elsewhere, a value for "fleet" may be specified to limit which types of aircraft may be chosen.

There are two ways to specify a STAR's waypoints: automatically using data loaded from the FAA CIFP or manually. To use CIFP data, ensure that the STAR is available by running vice from the command-line and providing the -routes KXYZ argument, where KXYZ is the name of the airport. vice will print the available STARS with their transitions. For example,

> ..\vice.exe -routes KLGA

If the STAR specified in the "star" parameter is present, vice will automatically use the available routes to define the STAR's transitions and runway-specific waypoints. In that case, one additional parameter must be specified:

Element Type Description
"spawn" String The name of the waypoint in the STAR at which new arrivals should start. A point between two waypoints in the STAR can be specified using an "@" symbol and a number between 0 and 1 that represents the fraction of distance between the waypoint and the next. For example, "[email protected]" specifies that aircraft should spawn 0.6 of the way between STW and the following waypoint. Aircraft will then be handed off from the center controller halfway between the first two waypoints of the route.

Alternatively, the waypoints may be specified manually using one required and one optional member.

Element Type Description
"runway_waypoints" Object (Optional) This specifies runway-specific waypoints for each airport, if there are any. After an approach is assigned to an aircraft, the corresponding runway waypoints are added to its route. Note that the first waypoint in each entry in "runway_waypoints" must match the last waypoint in "waypoints". (See the example below.)
"waypoints" String The series of waypoints that aircraft should fly. New aircraft are spawned at the first waypoint. These waypoints should include a "/ho" directive at the point where the aircraft should be handed off from the virtual controller to the user.

The "runway_waypoints" member can be used for STARs that have different routes depending on the arrival airport and runway. When the user instructs the aircraft to expect a particular approach then the corresponding waypoints are added to its route. As an example, the specification of the KPHL JIIMS4 arrival starts with the following string for "waypoints": "HEKMN N039.27.43.645,W074.56.38.400/ho JIIMS/a8000". (The second point is used to set the handoff point to be between HEKMN and JIIMS.) It then has the following "runway_waypoints", corresponding to the runway-specific routes into KPHL, the only active airport in the scenario. Note that all start with JIIMS, the same fix at the end of "waypoints".

  "runway_waypoints": {
    "KPHL": {
      "27L": "JIIMS/a8000 ZMRMN CHPMN PSOUT MKORD/h087",
      "27R": "JIIMS/a8000 ZMRMN CHPMN PSOUT MKORD/h087",
      "17": "JIIMS/a8000 SNEDE/h312",
      "35": "JIIMS/a8000 SNEDE/h312",
      "9L": "JIIMS/a8000 WUDRR WEVVE ERNYY/h268",
      "9R": "JIIMS/a8000 WUDRR WEVVE ERNYY/h268"


An overflight is an aircraft that enters the TRACON already airborne, and flies through it without landing. Overflights are also specified in "inbound_flows" in the "overflights" member, which is an array of overflight specifiers. Each specifier may have the following members.

Element Type Description
"airlines" Array of objects Specification of the airlines flying the overflight and their departure/arrival airports. See the example below.
"assigned_altitude" Number (Optional) If specified, gives a controller-assigned altitude for the aircraft.
"assigned_speed" Number (Optional) If specified, gives a controller-assigned speed for the aircraft.
"cruise_altitude" Number (Optional) The aircraft's final altitude in its flight plan. If unspecified, a reasonable guess will be made based on direction of flight and the aircraft's departure and arrival airports.
"description" String (Optional) A description of the overflight for use in vice's user interface.
"initial_altitude" Number or array of numbers The altitude aircraft will have when they are spawned at the initial fix. If multiple altitudes are specified, one is chosen at random.
"initial_controller" String The identifier of the virtual controller who initially has the aircraft's track. No controller may be specified if "unassociated" is true.
"initial_speed" Number The speed aircraft will have when they are initially spawned.
"scratchpad" String (Optional) If specified, gives the primary scratchpad aircraft will have.
"secondary_scratchpad" String (Optional) If specified, gives the secondary scratchpad aircraft will have.
"speed_restriction" Number (Optional) If specified, gives a speed restriction to the aircraft (e.g., as would happen after passing a waypoint on a route with a speed restriction.)
"unassociated" Boolean (Optional) If set, the aircraft is an unassociated VFR track that flies its route without making contact with ATC.
"waypoints" String The route flown by overflights in this flow. Aircraft are spawned at the initial waypoint. If one of the waypoints on the route includes the "/ho" directive, aircraft are handed off to the controller at that waypoint. (Otherwise, they are kept by the virtual controller for their entire overflight; this can be useful for adding "ambient" traffic that the controller doesn't have to work themselves.)

Each overflight specification includes one or more "airlines" in an array of objects that specify the airlines and aircraft that should be included in the overflight. In addition to the "icao", "fleet", and "types" members documented in Airlines and Aircraft, the following members may be specified:

Element Type Description
"departure_airport" String Airport to show as the aircraft's departure airport.
"arrival_airport" String Airport to show as the aircraft's arrival airport.

VFR Aircraft

vice allows the specification of VFR "distractor" aircraft in scenarios; this provides realistic extra clutter in the scope and sometimes aircraft that need to be accounted for when vectoring IFR aircraft. Currently there is no interaction with them—they won't call up for flight following or Bravo clearances, but will fly around and do their thing. (Flight following and such will come at some point in the future.) For now, vice ensures that VFR aircraft remain clear of B and C class airspace.

VFR distractors are specified using the "vfr" field in an airport's specification object in a scenario JSON file. They can either be specified with a specific route to fly, or it is possible to specify that they should fly a random route that ends up at one of the other airports that has VFR departures. In practice, it works well to have VFR departures both from class D and uncontrolled airports inside a TRACON but also from such airports up to 30-50 miles outside the TRACON; this gives good variety of both flights within the TRACON but also overflights, departures that land outside the TRACON, and arrivals that land within it.

Element Type Description
"random_routes" Object Specifies that the airport should have VFR departures that fly to one of the other VFR airports (or possibly, back to the originating airport). Routes between the airports are randomized so that different aircraft follow slightly different routes, even if they are going to the same destination airport. Two members may be specified.
  • "rate" (Number): the average number of VFR departures per hour.
  • "fleet" (String, Optional): which general aviation aircraft fleet to use. Current options are: "default", "GAsinglepiston", "GAjet", "GAmultipiston", "GAturbine", "cessna", "lightGA", and "fastGA". See the section for "General Aviation USA" in the openscope-airlines.json file in the vice distribution for which aircraft types are in each of these fleets.
"routes" Array of objects Each entry specifies a VFR flow to a specific destination airport with a specified route. This offers more control than "random_routes" but requires a bit more work.
  • "name" (String): a brief description of the route.
  • "rate" (Number): the average number of departures along this route per hour.
  • "fleet" (String): which GA aircraft fleet to use; see "fleet" above for the current options.
  • "waypoints" (String): waypoints that describe the route that should be flown between the current airport and the destination airport.
  • "destination" (String): destination airport.
  • "description" (String, Optional): description of the entry. Not used by vice but useful to remind yourself what a series of lat-longs represents.

As discussed in Routes, there are additional specifiers that can be included with VFR routes that are useful with the "routes" option; adding /radius to fixes along routes is an easy way to add randomness to VFR routes. /airwork can also be used to have aircraft go out and do practice airwork from an airport.

Altitude restrictions in VFR routes are also handled specially: if a range of altitudes is specified using /a at a waypoint, VFR aircraft will select a random altitude within that range.

When defining VFR routes, it's a good idea to be mindful of class B/C airspace. When vice wants to create a VFR departure, it generates a random route, either fully on its own if "random_routes" is used, or using the route given in "waypoints" if "routes" is used. It then simulates the aircraft's flight and checks to see if it enters B/C airspace. If it does, it discards the route and generates a new one. It keeps doing this until it finds a valid route, but eventually it will give up if it's not being successful. Thus, feel free to define routes that are close to the boundaries of such airspace, but give vice some space to work with via /radius and altitude ranges so that it has a chance of finding a valid route.

Two other useful tools when working on VFR: in the STARS scope, if you type .VFR and press enter, vice will show all of the VFR departure airports by drawing a circle around their location and displaying their name. Entering .VFR again hides them.

Second, if you enter .DRAWROUTE in the STARS scope, you can click on a series of points to define a route. After each click, the clipboard is updated to have the lat-long coordinates of the entire route. Pressing [Backspace] removes the last point from the route. Here is an example of specifying a route along the south shore of Long Island and then North along the Hudson River for a N90 scenario.


Airspace volumes may optionally be specified using the "airspace" object in the scenario group. These volumes may be assigned to controllers in scenarios, in which case vice will show an alert when aircraft are outside of the controller's airspace. The airspace object has two members:

Element Type Description
"boundaries" Object Defines lateral boundaries of airspace with arrays of location specifiers.
"volumes" Object Defines a volume of space using one or more boundary specifiers and a range of altitudes.

Each member in "boundaries" names a polyline of one or more line segments. Polylines are specified by arrays of locations. The first and second points specify the first line, the second and third points specify the second line, and so forth. Here is an example from the KPHL airspace:

  "PHL_DQO27_33": [

Note that the first point and the last point are at the same location and thus, "PHL_DQO27_33" is a closed polygon. Airspace boundaries do not have to be polygons like this; because boundaries are generally shared between different volumes of airspace, it's often useful to define boundaries just as polylines and to assemble multiple boundaries to define the lateral extent of a volume of airspace.

Given the boundaries, "volumes" specifies full 3D volumes of airspace. Airspace volumes have the following members:

Element Type Description
"boundaries" Array of strings The names of one or more lateral airspace boundaries defined in the "airspace" "boundaries" object specifiers.
"lower" Number Lower altitude of the volume's vertical extent, in feet.
"upper" Number Upper altitude of the volume's vertical extent, in feet.
"label" String (Optional) The label to draw on the map for the volume when it is displayed. If not specified, the altitude range (in hundreds of feet) is shown.
"label_position" String (Optional) If specified, this gives the position at which to draw the label. If not specified, the center point of the boundary polygons is used.

Here is an example from KPHL that uses the boundary defined above:

  "PHL_DU_APP27": [
      "boundaries": [
      "lower": 5000,
      "upper": 6000


Scenarios pull together components from the definitions in scenario groups in order to present specific control scenarios to the user. The scenarios object's members are the names of the scenarios. Each of these scenarios may have the following members:

Element Type Description
"airspace" Object Each member in the object defines the airspace associated with a control position. The object key is a controller id and the value is an array of strings, each of which corresponds to an airspace volume defined in the "airspace" section of the scenario group.
"arrival_runways" Array of objects Each object has two values that specify an airport and one of its runways
  • "airport": string that gives an airport name
  • "runway": string that specifies a runway at the given airport
The specified airport must be present in the "airports" member of the scenario group, and the specified runway must be one of its runways.
"center" String (Optional) If specified, this gives the initial radar scope center (as a latitude-longitude position.) It overrides the "center" value from the scenario group.
"controllers" Array of strings Callsigns of the other virtual controllers who are online. (These also must be in "control_positions".)
"default_maps" Array of strings The names of the initial video maps that should be displayed when this scenario is selected. Note that "default_maps" may not be used if "controller_configs" is specified in "stars_maps"; in that case controller-specific default maps can be specified there.
"departure_airspace" Array of strings Similar to "approach_airspace", if present, this gives the names of airspace volumes that departure aircraft must remain inside.
"departure_runways" Array of objects Each object specifies information about departures at a runway at an airport in the scenario.
  • "airport": string giving the airport's name
  • "runway": string specifying one of the airport's runways
  • "rate": number giving the number of departures per hour
  • "category": an optional string that specifies an exit category. If present, then only departures that have an exit that is associated with the category will be launched from this runway.
"inbound_rates" Object Each member specifies an inbound flow group and is an object that is a map specifying default rates for corresponding flows. Each entry should either be the name of an airport, in which case it specifies the rate of arrivals to that airport along arrivals in the flow, or the string "overflights", in which it gives the rate of overflights. It can be useful to specify a rate of zero—in this case, the inbound flow will still be included in the UI shown to the user, which allows the user to enable it.
"multi_controllers" Object (Optional) If specified, this provides information about the control positions that are available for multi-controller scenarios. Each member specifies a controller split configuration. Each configuration is then an object where each member specifies a controller with the corresponding callsign. For each controller, the following members may be specified:
  • "inbound_flows": An optional array of strings specifying which inbound flows the controller is covering. (Used to determine where handoffs of inbound aircraft go.)
  • "backup": Specifies another controller in "multi_controllers" that covers the controller's position if the controller is not signed in.
  • "departures": An optional array of strings that determines which departing aircraft the controller is responsible for. Each string can be an airport name ("KJFK"), a slash-separated airport name and runway ("KJFK/22R"), or a slash-separated airport name and SID ("KJFK/SKORR5"). It is not allowed to mix different ways of specifying departures at a given airport.
  • "primary": Boolean value that indicates that the controller is the primary controller. Must be given for exactly one controller. If no other controllers are signed in, the primary controller covers all of the other control positions. The simulation pauses if the primary controller's position is not covered
"range" Number (Optional) If specified, gives the initial radar scope center range in nautical miles. This overrides the range given in the scenario group.
"solo_controller" String The control position to use for single-user. (This must be present in "control_positions" in the scenario group.)
"wind" Object This specifies the current winds for the scenario. Winds are included in the simulation and affect aircraft similarly to how they do in the real world.
  • "direction": the wind's direction, expressed as a number giving the heading
  • "speed": the wind speed in knots
  • "gust": if present, gives the wind gust speed

STARS and Video Maps

A number of settings related to the STARS radar scope are set using the "stars_config" object in the scenario group. It stores the following values:

Element Type Description
"allow_long_scratchpad" Boolean This indicates whether aircraft scratchpads may be four characters long (rather than the default of three).
"altimeters" Array of strings If specified, lists the airports whose altimeters are displayed in the SSA list; no more than 6 airports can be given. The first altimeter value is also shown at the top of the list. If "altimeters" is not specified and if there are more than 6 airports in a scenario, only altimeters for the first 6 in alphabetical order will be shown and the first one will be shown at the top of the list.
"airspace_awareness" Array of objects Each of these objects specify an airspace awareness rule for a TRACON. Each object has the following memebers.
  • "fixes": an array of strings that represent that different fixes an aircraft could be filled on to apply for this rule. If "ALL" is given,
  • "altitude_range": (Optional) an array of two numbers that represent the different cruising altitude that an airplane has to have to apply for this rule.
  • "receiving_controller": the sector ID of the controller that will be receiving this rule.
  • "aircraft_type": (Optional) an array of strings giving allowed aircraft types for the rule: "P" for props, "T" for turboprop/ turboshafts, and "J" for jets.
"center" String Default radar scope center (as a latitude-longitude position.)
"custom_spcs" Array of strings Custom special purpose codes for the facility. When assigned to an aircraft, these are displayed in yellow at the top of the datablock (e.g., "PJ" is used at some facilities for parachute jumps.)
"beacon_bank" Number This should be an integer between 1 and 7: it gives the range of beacon codes that should be assigned to aircraft: e.g. 1 means from 0101 to 0107.
"controller_configs" Object Each entry specifies controller-specific configuration properties. The applicable control positions are specified via members given as a comma-separated string of positions (e.g., "JFK_G_APP,JFK_K_APP"). The following properties may be specified for each one:
  • "beacon_code_blocks": a string containing a comma-separated list of beacon code banks (two digits) or discrete beacon codes (four digits) that should be monitored by default.
  • If specified, this overrides any range specified in the scenario or scenario group.
  • "center": the initial center of the controller's STARS scope. If specified, this overrides any center specified in the scenario or scenario group.
  • "default_maps": an array of strings that specifies which maps in "video_maps" should be initially displayed.
  • "range": the initial range for the controller's scope in nautical miles. If specified, this overrides any range specified in the scenario or scenario group.
  • "video_maps": an array of strings specifying which video maps should be displayed in the DCB for the controller. See "stars_maps" below for further details.
"coordination_lists" Array of objects Each entry specifies a coordination list used for releasing departures from one or more airports. The following properties should be specified for each one:
  • "name": a string giving the list name. This is shown at the top of the list when it is visible in the STARS window.
  • "id": a string giving the list's identifier. The id must be 1–3 alphanumeric characters and cannot be the number "1", "2", or "3". It is used to identify the list when entering STARS commands.
  • "airports": an array of strings giving the airports managed by the list. Any airport with "hold_for_release" set to "true" must be in exactly one coordination list.
  • "yellow_entries": (Optional) if true, entries in the list are drawn in yellow rather than green.
"display_handoff_facility_only" Boolean If true, then the sector id of external facilities is not shown in the datablock for inbound and outbound handoffs.
"force_ql_self" Boolean Indicates whether controllers may enter **[SLEW] to make a track appear yellow on their own scope.
"handoff_acceptance_flash_duration" Number If non-zero, gives the number of seconds that the datablock should flash after a handoff is accepted. If unset, datablocks will flash for 5 seconds.
"handoff_sector_display_duration" Number If non-zero, gives the number of seconds that the sector id for a handoff to/from an external facilities is shown in the datablock after the handoff has been accepted.
"inhibit_ca_volumes" Array of objects Each entry specifies a volume of space where collision alerts are inhibited. It can be useful to specify these around airports so that alerts aren't issued for aircraft arriving/departing on parallel runways. Each object has the following members:
  • "name": a string used to identify the volume in system lists.
  • "type": either "circle" or "polygon"
  • "floor": number giving the minimum altitude of the volume.
  • "ceiling": number giving the maximum altitude of the volume.
For "circle" volumes, there are two additional members:
  • "center": the location of the center of the volume.
  • "radius": the radius of the volume, in nautical miles.
For "polygon" volumes, an additional parameter specifies its extent:
  • "vertices": an array of locations specifying the outline of the volume.
"maps_labels" Object Allows overriding the labels used for video maps in the STARS DCB. Each entry is the name of a video map (as would be specified in "stars_maps") and its value is the label that should be assigned to it.
"pdb" Object Allows specifying various adapted configurations for partial datablocks. The following members are available (all are "false" by default):
  • "display_custom_spcs": if true, custom SPCs (defined via "custom_spcs") are shown in partial datablocks.
  • "hide_gs": if true, groundspeed is not shown in the PDB.
  • "show_aircraft_type": if true, the aircraft type is shown, time-shared with the groundspeed.
  • "show_scratchpad2": if true, the contents of scratchpad 2 are shown, time-shared with altitude and the first scratchpad.
  • "split_gs_and_cwt": if true, groundspeed and the flight rules / CWT category are shown separately, timesliced, rather than together.
"radar_sites" Array of objects (Optional) Specification of all of the radar sites. (If not specified, then STARS Fused mode is the only radar mode available.) Each object member describes a radar site; the member's name gives the site's identifier. Each radar site has the following configuration values:
  • "char": a single character string identifier for the radar
  • "elevation": an integer giving the radar site's elevation in feet. (Not required if the position is specified using an airport ICAO code.)
  • "position": the radar's lateral position
  • "primary_range": an integer giving the range in nautical miles at which the radar can pick up a primary track (typically, 60)
  • "secondary_range": an integer giving the range in nautical miles at which the radar can pick up a secondary track (typically, 120)
  • "silence_angle": the spread angle in degrees of the radar's "cone of silence"—the volume above it where aircraft cannot be tracked (typically, 30)
  • "slope_angle": the angle in degrees with respect to the ground that the base of radar coverage increases as a function of distance from the radar site (typically, 0.175)
"range" Number Default radar scope center range in nautical miles. If unspecified, a 50 mile range is the default.
"restriction_areas" Array of objects Allows specifying restriction areas that controllers may display in the STARS window. The following members are available for all types of restriction area (text-only, circular, polygonal):
  • "title" (string): gives the restriction area title that is displayed in the "GEO RESTRICTIONS" list.
  • "text" (array of two strings, optional): if provided, each string defines a line of text that can be displayed with the restriction area.
  • "blinking_text" (Boolean, optional): if true, the given text will flash when displayed in STARS.
  • "hide_id" (Boolean, optional): if true, the numeric restriction area is not displayed before the text when the restriction area is visible.
  • "text_position" (location, optional for circular and polygonal): the center point of the text, specified using one of the encodings in Specifying Locations.
For circular restriction areas, two additional parameters must be specified:
  • "circle_radius" (number): the radius of the circular region in nautical miles.
  • "circle_center" (location): the location of the center of the circle. If "text_position" is not specified for a circular area, "circle_center" will be used for it.
For polygonal areas, there are three additional parameters:
  • "vertices" (string): the locations of the vertices of the polygon. At least two locations must be given for open regions and three for closed regions.
  • "closed" (Boolean, optional): indicates whether the region is closed (i.e., the last vertex is connected to the first.)
  • "shade_region" (Boolean, optional): indicates whether the region's interior should be shaded. This setting is only available for closed regions.
If "text_position" is not specified for a polygonal region, the center point of all of its vertices is used.
"scratchpads" Object Each member specifies a scratchpad entry that is assigned when a departing aircraft has a given exit fix. Example: "MERIT": "MER"
"scratchpad1" Object Allows specifying various adapted configurations to display in place for the first scratchpad in full and partial datablocks. The following members are available (all are "false" by default):
  • "display_exit_fix": if true, the datablock displays a three-character identifier for the exit fix where the identifier is found from the "short_name" entry for the fix in "significant_points".
  • "display_exit_fix1": if true, the datablock displays a one-character identifier for the exit fix where the identifier is found from the "abbreviation" entry for the fix in "significant_points".
  • "display_exit_gate": if true, the datablock displays a single-character identifier for the exit gate and then two digits giving the requested altitude in thousands of feet. The exit gate should be listed in "significant_points"; its "abbreviation" value is used for the identifier. If four-character scratchpads are adapted, three digits giving the altitude in hundreds of feet are displayed.
  • "display_alternate_exit_gate": if true, the datablock displays the requested altitude followed by a single-character identifier for the exit gate. All other details follow "display_exit_gate".
"significant_points" Object Each entry specifies information about a fix that is used in the scenario—for example, as an exit fix or as an airport. The following values may be specified as the object's members, though all are optional.
  • "abbreviation": a single-character abbreviation used to refer to the fix. If unspecified, the first character of "short_name" is used.
  • "description": a brief text description of the fix.
  • "location": the latitude-longitude location of the fix. This is normally set automatically based on the fix's name.
  • "short_name": A three-letter abbreviation for the fix that is used when it is shown as the scratchpad in datablocks. If not specified, then if the fix's name has four letters and starts with a "K" (i.e., it's an airport), the last three letters are used. Otherwise the first three letters of the fix's name are used. No two fixes may have the same short "short_name". (May only be specified for fixes with more than three characters in their name.)
"stars_maps" Array of strings These strings specify the available video maps shown in the STARS DCB; the first 6 are shown in the main DCB and all are available under the "MAPS" sub-menu. An empty string, "", may be given to specify an empty map button in the DCB. No more than 38 maps may be specified. Run vice.exe -listmaps [path-to-XXX-videomaps.gob.zst] to list the available maps for an ARTCC.
"use_legacy_font" Boolean If "true", causes the legacy STARS font to be used in the STARS display.
"video_map_file" String Filename of the video map file from which the maps specified in "stars_maps" are found (e.g., "videomaps/ZNY-videomaps.gob.zst")

Video Maps

Video maps are specified separately from the rest of the configuration since they require fairly large files and are not generally edited by hand. Two utilities are available to generate maps for vice from other formats:

  • They can be generated from CRC video maps using the crc2vice utility program, which is available from the crc2vice releases page. See its README file for information about how to use it.
  • They can be generated from the FAA's DAT video map file format using dat2vice, which is available from the dat2vice releases page. See its README for more information.